17 Expert Tools to Get Your Online Work Done for You



Time is more valuable than money…

But why?

Time is priceless—it’s the only finite resource we have.

We’re not getting any more time than we already have whether we like it or not.

For business owners, this means that every second you spend during the day counts. Unfortunately, this time is often spent on tedious tasks that could either be automated or outsourced.

In today’s article, we’re going to break down 17 different tools you can use to delegate tasks and get work done for you—so you can save time and focus on the bigger picture in your business.

We’ll discuss:

  • 17 tools that will assist in automating and delegating those time-consuming tasks
  • Specific examples of tasks you can get done for you
  • Various areas of your business you can automate in just a few clicks: marketing, CRM, design, and more

Let’s be real… DIY’ing everything yourself is so 2020.

So let’s dive in.

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Tool to Get Work Done for You #1: Zapier

Automation is the name of the game for Zapier.

This popular app moves information between your web apps automatically, giving you tons of time back while it gets work done for you.

Automate workflows by linking web apps, set up Zaps (e.g., automatically add new Evernotes to Asana), and get more done… with no coding required.

Some examples of possible Zaps:

  • Collect feedback and information from forms (Google Sheets, Typeform)
  • Automatically send survey thank-you’s (Salesforce, SurveyMonkey)
  • Create customized email lists (Mailchimp, Typeform, Google Sheets)
  • Get notifications and reminders sent straight to Slack (Gmail, Google Calendar)
  • Track events and tasks (Todoist, Trello, Google Calendar)

With over 3,000 connectable apps, the sky’s the limit with Zapier.

Tool to Get Work Done for You #2: Grammarly

While everyone should have their grammar basics down, it can take time to manually edit and proofread your own work.

Grammarly takes that work off your plate by automatically catching misspellings, grammatical errors, and cutting down on wordy sentences.

The result? Clear, correct, and concise content.

Your emails and other documents will look professional with no extra sweat off your back.



Tool to Get Work Done for You #3: AutoGrow

Outsource all of your digital and creative tasks to pros in just a few clicks. Yep, it’s possible.

And with AutoGrow, there’s a team waiting to take that work off your plate so you can focus more on other matters in your business.

Some tasks you can delegate to AutoGrow:

  • Facebook ads
  • Webinar scripts
  • Landing pages
  • Email sequences
  • Marketing strategy
  • Video voice-overs
  • Blog posts

The web-based app also offers unlimited tasks per month (and unlimited revisions). Then all you have to do is sit back, relax, and watch your projects come to life.



AutoGrow gives businesses of all types (coaches, agencies, SaaS companies, and more) the ability to save money and avoid hiring-headaches. Because as we know—hiring (ahem, interviewing, training, firing…) is no fun.

Tool to Get Work Done for You #4: Calendly

Manually setting meetings is officially a thing of the past—and thank goodness.

An average appointment takes 5 emails to schedule, and no one has time for that. Thankfully there’s Calendly, the app that streamlines appointment setting for business owners everywhere.

Calendly allows you to find a mutually agreeable time with your clients and coworkers to meet without the tedious back-and-forth.

Wondering if it can actually save you time?

UT Austin used Calendly to cut their resource deployment process down from 6 steps to 3, saved 17 hours on their pilot project, and reduced errors by 20%.

Tool to Get Work Done for You #5:  Hootsuite

Curating quality social media takes time. But scheduling that content? It also takes time.

With Hootsuite, get that work done for you by scheduling posts and campaigns across all of your social channels in one place.

Instead of juggling half a dozen platforms with various logins, you can simply log in to Hootsuite and do it all in one shot. You can even arrange the posts in a single calendar, making it much easier to see the bigger marketing picture.



Tool to Get Work Done for You #6: IFTTT (If This Then That)

IFTTT is another resource that can transform your workflow through automation. This tool will connect various apps and experiences, from everyday tasks to more complex or niche situations.

Need a reminder to send a week-end report every Friday? IFTTT.

Want to automatically share new posts to a Facebook page? IFTTT.

Need an email when Google Assistant publishes a new trigger? You get the idea.

Automating the repetitive tasks that add up over time will take work off your plate while saving you energy and effort.

Tool to Get Work Done for You #7: LastPass

Sick of trying to remember all of your passwords? 63% of your peers agree.

Unless you write it down (which no security expert would recommend), it’s a challenge to remember every single password for every app you use. And you could be wasting an average of 12 days of your life trying to remember and reset them.

With LastPass, you can outsource the hassle of remembering all of your passwords. This password-management app will store all of your digital passwords in one place while keeping your information secure.



Some of the cool features LastPass offers include:

  • Filling passwords in for you
  • Saving time with no more password resets
  • The option to generate passwords for you
  • Syncing passwords where you need them
  • Remembering your contact information
  • Alerting you to security breaches

Tool to Get Work Done for You #8: Toggl

If you hire freelancers, you may require them to track their time in order to send their billable hours. But how can you know that they’re reliable and accurate?

With Toggl, freelancers that join your team (developers, designers, copywriters, and more) can easily track their time while they get work done for you.

Features include reports, billable hours, and the ability to quantify how much time is spent on certain activities. Toggl can also help:

  • Manage projects across teams
  • Create project estimates
  • Perform profitability analyses
  • Perform accurate and transparent billing
  • Make better business decisions

Tool to Get Work Done for You #9: Fancy Hands

Virtual assistants are a fantastic resource to get work done for you.

And with Fancy Hands, you can delegate to US-based virtual assistants to take on the tasks you no longer have time to do:

  • Making phone calls
  • Scheduling meetings or appointments
  • Sourcing products
  • Sending gifts for birthdays and anniversaries
  • Making dinner reservations
  • Gathering information on a firm or a client
  • Proofreading articles



All you have to do is let Fancy Hands know what task needs to get done, and they’ll get to it. No negotiating or waiting involved.

Tool to Get Work Done for You #10: Todoist

Sick of manually following up with your team? To-do lists scattered across your devices with no rhyme or reason?

The Todoist app allows you to share and assign tasks to your team, get organized, create multi-level tasks, and more—all in one place. Use the app to schedule weekly tasks, set reminders, and even turn emails into tasks automatically.

Todoist also has some cool features like:

  • Adding articles as tasks using browser extensions
  • Using templates to create reusable project checklists
  • Forwarding emails as new tasks or comments
  • Setting due dates to reoccur based on the last completion date
  • Using the “assigned to” and “assigned by” filters to track delegated tasks

Tool to Get Work Done for You #11: Hemingway Editor

Use the Hemingway Editor to polish up your writing automatically. The app will identify common errors and bring up the quality of your writing by identifying confusing sentences, passive voice, and more.

Hemingway works by means of AI: recognizing writing problems through language processing.

The app gets this form of proofreading done for you by automatically highlighting sentences in specific colors based on issue while offering suggested changes.



The Hemingway Editor is great because you:

  • No longer need to manually edit your own work
  • Can immediately identify what needs to be fixed
  • Can toggle between writing and editing mode
  • Have the option to export your work when finished
  • Have access to a free version
  • Can see an estimated read time (great for scripts and presentations)

Tool to Get Work Done for You #12: Fiverr

For smaller, low-cost jobs, consider using Fiverr to connect with freelancers.

Fiverr is a platform that offers access to a wide range of freelancers for hire. Easily outsource tasks like document translation, voice-over recordings, or designing a logo.

This website is convenient for small-budget, one-off projects that you aren’t looking to hire full-time for.

Tool to Get Work Done for You #13: BambooHR

Think you have to go at HR alone? Think again.

With BambooHR, take all of those human resources tasks off your plate once and for all. This HR software collects and organizes information throughout an individual’s employment, giving you the time and insights to focus on your team.



BambooHR assists with hiring, onboarding, payroll, and even building culture. Some of the app’s features include:

  • Managing employee records
  • Workflows and approvals
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Mobile app functionality for easy access

Tool to Get Work Done for You #14: Sprintful

The online scheduling platform, Sprintful, gets work done for you by making it super easy to schedule appointments.

Configure your settings directly in the app, setting variables such as meeting duration, capacity, and pricing (if applicable).

Sprintful syncs with your existing calendars and allows you to set up your availability and customize certain metrics such as meeting buffers, blocked dates, and custom forms.

One of the coolest parts of Sprintful is the ability to customize your branding. For companies that want their online presence to be consistent throughout all platforms, Sprintful offers a fantastic way to keep branding cohesive.



Tool to Get Work Done for You #15: Upwork

Similar to Fiverr, Upwork is a platform that allows you to connect with freelancers around the globe to hire for projects on a one-off or ongoing basis.

Designers, developers, strategists, and more are looking for contracts on Upwork. You can browse freelancers, check out their rates, read reviews from previous clients, and take a look at their past experience to see if they’re the right fit for the job.

Tool to Get Work Done for You #16: LeadsBridge

Boost sales, productivity, and automation with LeadsBridge.

This popular app lets Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and other platforms communicate directly with your CRM so that you can save time and energy on those tedious tasks you’ve been performing manually.

LeadsBridge offers 80 different marketing integrations and custom solutions.

Take their Lead Sync functionality, for example—this automation allows you to stay on top of your leads by:

  • Interacting with your leads instantly
  • Segmenting your leads as they come in
  • Sending SMS notifications to leads at the perfect time
  • Moving them through the pipeline faster



And then there’s their Platform-to-Platform feature.

With this automation, you can leverage your lead generation by connecting your favorite marketing platforms in one place, allowing you to:

  • Put your campaigns on autopilot
  • Get a birds-eye view of your sales funnel
  • Connect your marketing stack to avoid annoying data silos

Tool to Get Work Done for You #17: Convertri

Your customers won’t wait for a page to load. In fact, if a load speed of longer than 6 seconds increases bounce rate by 32%. Your customers don’t have time to wait, and you don’t have time to lose customers.

With Convertri, get your website work done for you with super-fast landing pages (yep, even huge pages will load within 3 seconds).

Convertri isn’t just about creating aesthetically pleasing landing pages that load quickly, though. The app also offers the ability to:

  • Easily collect leads with dynamic text
  • Lock in website hosting and eCommerce functionality
  • Create websites with auto-mobilising menus and shared headers and footers

Essentially, Convertri allows you to build up your sales funnels all in one place.


Download the “17 Expert Tools to Get Your Online Work Done for You” so you won’t forget to take action on it later. Click here to download it now.

Just imagine how much time you could save if you put all of these tools to work…

You could learn to fly a plane, start a rock band, or even start breeding bobcats. Ok, I kid.

But these tools will help you delegate and get tons of work done for you (and off your plate—once and for all).

Which of these tools have you already tried?

Which tools have piqued your interest?

Let me know in the comments below.

Keep AutoGrowin’, stay focused.



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