8 Practical Tips to Design a Black Friday Landing Page That Converts



Black Friday is one of the most important shopping days of the year.   Avid shoppers await the deals with anticipation, even if it means waiting in long lines. Brands worldwide take advantage of the focus on shopping by slashing prices right and left.

This day is the official start of the Christmas shopping season. So, if your business is related to eCommerce and retail sales, it’s crucial that you  prepare your platform for the crazy shopping season to come.

The competition is fierce during this season. All brands cut the costs of their offers with the aim to attract loads of both loyal and new customers.

So, if you want your own efforts to be rewarded with an increase in sales, then you need to do your best to make your Black Friday deals find the needed client engagement.

But how can you do this right?

Black Friday is the one day a year when you can receive an immense amount of earnings while dropping the cost of the products in your inventory. If you create a dedicated Black Friday landing page, you will be able to excite the customers to close a sale.

Fortunately, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. By simply following the practical tips on how to create a usable Black Friday landing page design, you will be able to herald a ton of sales.

But first, before we move to the practical part, we should mention that the promotion of your Black Friday deals involves more than just building a catchy Black Friday website design.

The two days of crazy shopping require special preparation and the development of a smart marketing/social media campaign. Those are the social media channels that can drive extra traffic to your Black Friday landing page, thus growing the chances that you will end up with impressive sales stats.

1. Make Your Message Simple and Clear


When it comes to the development of an effective landing page design, the focus should be put on a single product, service, or event. Since we are discussing the tips on how to develop a smart and catchy Black Friday deals website, then taking care of the comprehensive presentation of your deals is of the greatest importance.

In order to present your message in a clear style, keep your attention focused on a certain line of products that you'd like to promote. If those are new items that were just added to your inventory recently, then make sure that you highlight the main benefits in a clear style. Include only those pieces of data that make a specific type of product unique. On seeing this, as well as a list of advantages, your visitors won't hesitate to complete a browsing session with a purchase or a different action.

2. Keep the UX Design Simple

Building an effective Black Friday deals website means keeping the user experience simple, thus delivering a stress-free online buying experience. Keeping the number of items displayed on your web page to a minimum grows the chances that the users will notice your selling point and end their browsing sessions with positive purchasing decisions.

Do not try to stuff your Black Friday landing page with all product imagery upfront. You can reveal your offers as a person clicks through different areas of your web page during his or her shopping journey. Also, make it easy for your visitors to access your content. Do not force them to register on your web page the first time they land on it.

3. Make It Quick-to-Load

A web user won't spend a minute to wait until the content of your Black Friday website loads. It takes a maximum of 3 seconds for a person to decide whether or not he or she will stay on your page looking through your content. A landing page is a place that's intended to make your web audience end their browsing session with a conversion. So, the faster your content loads, the better.



Moreover, when building your Black Friday deals website, make sure that it can adjust content to all screen sizes flawlessly. The latest eCommerce stats show a tremendous rise in the use of smartphones for making purchases online.  More than 62% of smartphone users made purchases from their smart devices in 2018. So, making your Black Friday landing page 100% responsive is one of the top keys to success.

4. Run Page Loading Tests Regularly

It's important to keep a close eye on the page loading speeds, especially during the busy season of Black Friday sales. No matter what kind of changes you apply to the landing page design, make sure those do not slow down your site. Even if you didn't make any sort of changes recently, but you notice customers' activity drop or lower sales stats, then test the page loading speed. A tool such as Google PageSpeed reveals how well a web page loads on desktop and handheld devices.

5. Keeps CTAs Clear


When it comes to the organization of calls-to-action on your web page, make sure that it’s easy to understand your main message for your visitors.  The CTAs should be easy-to-access, even for the first-time visitors. These need to be obvious and compelling, meaning your visitors can realize what actions they are supposed to take without much thought.

If we are talking about the most effective examples of clear CTAs, we can mention such structures as Byt Now, Sign Up, Book Here, etc. These are easy-to-understand so that people can realize what to do next and what will happen as soon as they click through.

6. Emphasize Benefits

As it was mentioned earlier, the competition is getting very fierce on the modern-day web. That’s why you need to make it clear for your buyers to understand the major benefits of dealing with your company or making use of your offers. While working on your Black Friday landing page, tell them about the main and unique selling points. It is always a good idea to keep a long story short and highlight the key benefits of using your offer.


7. Navigation as Promotion

One of the biggest mistakes that advertisers make while working on a Black Friday deals website is removing any sort of extra navigation elements. Instead, you need to draw your customers’ attention to all categories of items, which they can purchase at the discounted price. You can either add navigation patterns to banners or add a standard navigation bar with Black Friday deals somewhere on your site. This way, people will be able to notice what particular deals appeal to them the most and navigate to the right catalogs or pages with one click.


8. Place Banners above the Fold

Black Friday weekend is one of the busiest shopping days. Online shoppers are in a hurry to grab the best deals on the market. So, in order to make them stop and stare, you need to capture their attention with the best bold banners showing off your giveaways, offers, and deals. This increases the chances that window shoppers will turn into your paying customers once they notice your appealing deals.

Wrapping Up

Black Friday is only the beginning of a series of grand winter holidays sales. So, get prepared for the busy season with the creation of impressive web designs for your landing pages. Stop dreaming about the possible sales boost, and start acting now!

Which tips are most applicable to your business? Leave a comment below and let me know.

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About the author: Tim Ross a marketing manager at MotoCMS website building company. He is a professional content creator and an enthusiastic marketer who is passionate about all things related to reading and writing. He also loves to travel and never misses a daily workout to get the blood flow going.


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