19 Best Sales Funnel Examples to Convert More Customers on Your Website [Updated]


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You’re here because you’re either a coach, an eCommerce store, a productized service, SaaS, or a business owner who wants to learn more about sales funnels, conversions, and sales.

This is currently the most comprehensive resource you will find about sales funnels.

I originally wrote it in 2011.

Back then, there was very little, if any, published information on the topic.

And like the gift that keeps on giving, the following is brand new and updated going into 2024.

I recommend bookmarking it. Because this is seriously one of the most valuable articles on our blog. Plus I included a detailed video going through specific sales funnel examples.

I’ll show you today:

I’m confident these sales funnel examples will teach you how to convert many more customers and clients (depending on your stage of business).

(On another note, I also have our Sales Funnel Blueprint in case you want to go through this step-by-step, easy-to-follow guide—with checklists, worksheets, and more—to create your own sales funnel).

But before we dive into this list of most effective sales funnel examples to convert more customers and clients, we should briefly discuss something...

We’ve defined sales funnels before, and even offered a free, downloadable sales funnel template.

A sales funnel is "a series of steps designed to guide visitors toward a buying decision. The steps are composed of marketing assets that do the work of selling, like landing pages and email."

Now without any further ado, check out this first SaaS sales funnel example from the leading streaming service in the world…

If you want to get great work done for your coaching, SaaS, eCommerce, startup, agency, productized service, or professional services business—without the headaches of hiring a team—then download this free guide: 29 Examples of Marketing Projects You Can Delegate to AutoGrow to save you time, grow client revenue, and scale.

SaaS Sales Funnel Example #1 — Netflix


Netflix is the most used paid subscriber video streaming service that allows its members to watch a wide variety of award-winning movies, TV shows, documentaries, and more on millions of internet-connected devices.

Research from Statista shows that as of the second quarter of 2023, Netflix has had 238.39 million subscribers.


Their site’s design is very simple too.

There’s not a lot of confusing copy and you know exactly what you’re getting when you sign up.

They also emphasize that you can cancel any time and not be locked into a contract.

Steps in Netflix’s Sales Funnel

  1. Homepage: their homepage clearly explains how you can cancel your monthly subscription anytime. They emphasize this risk reversal because they are a recurring monthly-based subscription.


  1. Pricing Page: you can scroll right down to the FAQ section and find the pricing info.


By default, Netflix selects the Premium plan for you (which is a very smart move). You can downgrade if you want though.


Why Netflix’s Sales Funnel Works

You have multiple payment options: gift card, credit card, and PayPal.

All major credit cards are accepted.

You can also go back and edit your contact information so you’re not locked in.

There’s an emphasis on security which is great because people are naturally risk-averse.

It’s very focused on the end consumer. And they answer consumer questions cleanly and clearly with the least amount of text needed.

What Makes Netflix’s Funnel Unique

Netflix can rely on the power of its brand. Everyone knows Netflix.

You can also contact them by phone.


Not a lot of web-based companies share their phone numbers. This just builds trust even further.

eCommerce Sales Funnel Example #2 — Groupon

Groupon is still a huge company reaching millions of consumers every month.

They have a clear and prominent email opt-in pop-up on their site.

This pop-up displays on their homepage to visitors on their first visit.


This pop-up is part of the strategy they have been using for a while.

It has successfully been growing their audience since they have continued to use it over the years.

Let’s examine the rest of their sales funnel to see how it works.

Steps in Groupon's Sales Funnel

  1. Traffic: from ads, direct, referrals, affiliates, email list, and more.
  2. Homepage: the pop-up on the homepage incentivizes visitors to give their email address. They get 20% off just for signing up. From there, visitors can browse and shop for services.


Why Groupon's Sales Funnel Works

When you find a deal you like on Groupon, you need to sign up to get the deal.


Groupon’s follow-up offers are then tailored to its customers to get them to use the service again.

Their offers are slightly more tailored toward women because they make up a majority of its customer base.

What Makes Groupon's Funnel Unique

There are no free trials. Customers either want in or they don’t.

Groupon’s business model and sales funnel are, in a way, best thought of as a giant email list which happens to have a website attached to it.

SaaS Sales Funnel Example #3 – Help Scout

Help Scout offers their free trial and invites leads to watch their demo video.

The designs and animations feel emotional.

Plus there's some brand logos added at the fold to emphasize social proof to website visitors.


The copy is easy to read. The design is simple. There’s nothing interfering with the copy. There’s no messy background.

There’s also a clear CTA to either sign up for the trial or watch the demo, and lots of social proof.

It may be below the fold, but it’s still high up enough that it’s easy to see.


In general, it's prime for a great user experience. And according to GoodFirms, 84.6% of web designers believe the biggest mistake small to medium-sized businesses make is making the website too crowded.

But Help Scout avoids that common pitfall.

Let’s dive right in to Help Scout’s sales funnel.

Steps In Help Scout's Sales Funnel

  1. Traffic: blog or resources page.
  2. Homepage: Help Scout’s homepage is clean, visually attractive, and has great contrast. There’s plenty of social proof and clear CTAs.
  3. Pricing Page: There are 3 pricing tiers in their pricing page: Standard, Plus and Pro, and a CTA to start their free trial. They’re exercising the Law of Visibility (one of the key Laws of Sales Funnel Physics) by emphasizing the blue CTA. You can clearly see how the “Standard” and “Pro” CTAs are white while “Plus” CTA is highlighted (probably because they want more people to try that package).


Why Help Scout's Sales Funnel Works

Overall, Help Scout has a beautiful design. Their message and services seem pretty clear. They’re doing all the right stuff to address the basics.

Their blog is great. They have some fantastic resources with nice graphics. They have a lot of high-quality content overall. It’s super original with a clean layout.

You can easily learn more about the team. They also have a strong lead magnet with a CTA to download their tool kit.

Help Scout once just offered helpdesk services. Today, they’ve expanded their offerings to include a research component and a data library.

Productized Services Sales Funnel Example #4 – AutoGrow.co

AutoGrow is like project management software but with an all-in-one team of proven pros already inside, ready to work on the marketing tasks and projects you submit through our web app. We also offer white-label software for our clients’ clients.


You can submit unlimited requests for email sequence copy, landing page copy and design, graphics, ads strategy, lead magnetsanything! Then it's done-for-ya.

We also offer digital marketing strategy (including custom-created SaaS sales funnels, eCommerce sales funnels, coaching sales funnels, local events sales funnels, marketing funnels, etc.) that help automate our clients’ sales or client lead gen, get them better quality prospects, and let them own a sales pipeline packed full of clients).

Because you know that when it comes to creating funnels and implementing sales funnel strategies, AutoGrow is the one (like many of our happy clients have stated).



And here is what AutoGrow’s sales funnel looks like.

Steps in AutoGrow’s Sales Funnel

  1. Traffic: we get a lot of organic traffic, ads, word of mouth, and referrals from AutoGrow’s weekly newsletters and articles.
  2. Homepage: the main call to actions on our homepage are (1) to see pricing and sign up for our $7 7-day trial, and (2) to watch the demo video to see how AutoGrow works before booking a free consultation. Our newsletters and articles all lead back to our homepage and/or pricing page.
  3. Pricing: we include AutoGrow’s 4 different packages with a detailed breakdown of which skill sets each package includes. We also include the pricing for each package—which are Teleport, Fly, Run, and Walk. We also offer our new White Label Features to clients who sign up for Run or a higher package.


Why AutoGrow’s Funnel Works

We have very clear copy in all of our landing pages. We clearly explain what AutoGrow can do for our clients. We also specify who isn’t a fit for AutoGrow.

We clearly specify what each of our packages include (skill sets, turnaround times, number of tasks we can work at a time, pricing, work samples, etc.).

We also give leads the opportunity to book a call with one of our sales specialists so that they can learn more about what we do and what we don’t before they sign up.

Also, we offer a $7 7-day trial so that clients can try us out and get a better sense of how we help them grow their businesses.

Since we started offering our $7 7-day trial, our conversions actually doubled.

And this is because we give clients peace of mind by not locking them in with long-term contracts.

AutoGrow’s clients can cancel, upgrade, and downgrade at any time.

SaaS Sales Funnel Example # 5 – Basecamp


Basecamp is a project management platform that helps manage companies’ projects, work, and communication in one place.

They continually test new designs. And the copy focuses a lot on problems they can solve for their customers.

Basecamp’s website also feels very personal. And they emphasize their social proof in plenty of unique ways.


Emotion is involved in this funnel. They’re not just a tool. This is something that the buyer identifies with. And I go deeper into this sales funnel example in my video walk-through here.

Steps in Basecamp’s Sales Funnel

  1. Traffic: blog, PR, organic search.
  1. Homepage: in addition to their social proof, they show their product “in action”. They put a face on their logo for an emotional tie-in.
  1. 30-day free trial: Basecamp is free to try (they offer a free 30-day trial). For visitors’ peace of mind you don’t have to fill in your credit card information initially when you sign up. They keep their pricing info super simple and clear. It’s not the typical pricing page with 3 different packages.



Why Basecamp’s Funnel Works

Its design emphasizes their customers’ testimonials and social proof. They also promote how it’s free to sign up, and let’s face it, who doesn’t love free stuff?

What Makes Basecamp’s Funnel Unique

Every company wants to solve problems for their customers. And Basecamp speaks to their customers on a very natural, real level.

They also incorporate their social proof in very creative ways. This is what I call bite-sized, unique ways of baking in social proof.




They also keep A/B testing new graphics on their homepage. They don’t just keep one. This is amazing.

And this could mean that you always have to be constantly changing because the market is also changing. So continuous A/B testing is important if you have the traffic for it.

Where Basecamp’s Funnel Could Be Better

I think that adding pictures of real people for their testimonials might make the user experience even more personal. Because actually, human faces increase website conversions.

This is because people love seeing faces, especially in testimonials.

In fact, according to one case analyzed in our Proven Sales Conversion Pack, adding real images to your website can improve subscription rates by 34.7%.

SaaS Sales Funnel Example #6 – Harvest

Harvest is a SaaS-based time tracking platform.


The main CTA on their homepage is to get started with their 30-day free trial.

And they also emphasize that there’s no credit card required for sign-up.

Steps in Harvest’s Sales Funnel

  1. Homepage: their homepage has several clear CTAs to sign up for their free trial across the page, some product explanations, and a few testimonials.
  1. Free Trial Sign-up: after clicking on the free trial CTA button, there is a free trial sign-up form displayed that states that no credit card is required.


Why Harvest’s Funnel Works And What Makes It Unique

Nice and simple design is at the forefront here.

They showcase their testimonials as part of their social proof too.

These are real case studies of Harvest in action. And these companies get some free publicity while help Harvest “look better.”


While this is a solid funnel, I think Harvest could improve its pricing page to include a more detailed breakdown of what each package includes.


In another conversion rate case study analyzed in our Proven Sales Conversion Pack, a study says that pricing page optimization can cause 76% more visits to the free trial page.

So I think Harvest could definitely benefit from optimizing their pricing page.

SaaS Sales Funnel Example #7 – Crazy Egg


Crazy Egg’s sales funnel is huge.

They have a great blog with high-quality content. And their sales funnel actually starts at their blog.

This means most of their traffic is coming from inbound sources like Google.

They have a clear call to action at the bottom of their blog posts to get people to sign up for their free 30-day trial.


Steps in Crazy Egg’s Sales Funnel

  1. Traffic: from referrals, organic, blog, and ads. They display a pop-up at the bottom of their blog posts and homepage for their free 30-day trial. If you sign up for their free trial, you will be redirected to their pricing page. And if you sign up for their email list, you will actually remain on the Crazy Egg’s blog page afterward, keeping you engaged with even more content.
  1. Homepage: they require you to add your website URL in order to sign up
  1. Pricing: when visiting the pricing page, all packages are displayed with their 30-day free trial CTA.


  1. Checkout form: The pricing page has a similar aesthetic to the rest of the site.


Their checkout page has light copy with an emphasis on social proof. The language is simple, no jargon.

And after you select your pricing plan, the final step is to add your billing information.

Crazy Egg assures you on their checkout page that you won’t be charged within the first 30 days because of their free trial.

They also include the benefits from signing up and emphasize the “no-risk free trial” to give customers peace of mind.


Why Crazy Egg’s Funnel Works And What Makes It Unique

According to Neil Patel, Crazy Egg has consistently doubled its conversions and revenue year over year.

The focus of the funnel’s design is on simplicity. There’s not a lot of copy. And instead, there’s a focus on strong visuals.

In the past, their landing pages’ design was much heavier on the copy and in explaining the benefits of the service.

Instead of bombarding the customer with information, Crazy Egg keeps the info light.

However, the copy is clear so customers know what they’re getting before they submit their email address.

SaaS Sales Funnel Example #8 – SharpSpring Ads


SharpSpring Ads has tweaked its design since they were called Perfect Audience.

Its website design could actually be improved significantly. There’s lots of white space, lack of images, and photos of real people.


Their pricing page is not easy to find. You have to scroll all the way down to their footer to find their pricing page.

But they have a clear CTA to sign up for their free trial.

Let’s dive into their sales funnel to learn more.

Steps in SharpSpring Ads’ Sales Funnel

  1. Homepage: their primary CTA is to sign up for their free trial, And they lack social proof (even though they have a section for showcasing testimonials, this does not show any testimonials).
  1. Free Trial Sign-up Form: when clicking on any of the CTAs from the homepage inviting prospects to start their free trial, they will be redirected to a landing page where prospects will learn which package is a better fit for them before opening their account.


Why SharpSpring Ads’ Funnel Works

Overall, they have good social proof. They showcase Neil Patel as one of their testimonials which can appeal to potential customers.


But their pricing page is buried.

You have to literally scroll down to the footer to get an idea of their prices.

Customers are always wondering how much a service or product costs so this definitely adds some friction (one of the 11 Laws of Sales Funnel Physics) to their funnel.

SaaS Sales Funnel Example #9 – Grasshopper


Grasshopper is a virtual phone system that helps small business owners to have a phone number for their company.

This can be used on existing landlines or cell phones.

Steps in Grasshopper’s Sales Funnel

  1. Traffic: from PR, blog, and ads.
  2. Homepage: their copy is clear. They have a CTA for prospects to sign up for their 7-day free trial. And they even have an FAQ section for people to learn more about Grasshopper before signing up.
  3. Pricing Page: their pricing page is very clear. Their different plans are compared with each other in terms of pricing and features. Also, their free trial plan is advertised on their pricing page through a “Start a Free Trial” CTA.


4. Sign-up Form: first, you have to choose a phone number to register with Grasshopper. You can get a local number and a toll-free number. And then, the landing page prospects are redirected to, is the sign-up and billing page.



Why Grasshopper’s Funnel Works

Grasshopper has made some design changes, color combinations, and they’ve tested other elements that have actually improved their overall site experience.

They even cut down on their sales funnel so it converted better.

What they’re doing is clearly working. Even years later they haven’t changed their site much.

What Makes Grasshopper’s Funnel Unique

Grasshopper’s logo and brand character (a grasshopper, of course) are still worth noting.


Their product is easy to use. And they continue to stick with a design that speaks to the simplicity of their product.

Where Grasshopper’s Funnel Could Be Better

They could still appeal to their audience better.

Maybe posing a question like “How many customers are you missing out on because you don’t have a professional phone number and phone system connected to your business?”

Sales Funnel Example #10 – Mixergy


Mixergy sells interviews and courses featuring top entrepreneurs.

Their funnel used to start right away with a primary CTA offering access to interviews in exchange for prospects’ email addresses. But now, they’ve removed their CTA from their hero section.

You need to now scroll down to click on the interview you would like to listen to. And you can also read the transcript of the interview.


Steps in Mixergy’s Sales Funnel

  1. Traffic: email list, organic, social media, referrals. You might also find Mixergy through Google or you might come to their site and just browse around.
  1. Homepage: their homepage doesn’t have prominent CTAs but they promote some of their most recent interviews and master classes.
  1. Premium Content: they ask their site visitors to sign up for Mixergy’s premium content through a “Go premium” CTA on their site. This content is restricted to members only.


  1. Pricing Page: there are two pricing options to go premium: one for a monthly membership and one for an annual membership.


Then, a checkout opt-in form is displayed to proceed with your billing info.


Why Mixergy’s Funnel Works

Mixergy’s funnel works because they’re giving you access to all of their content but they’re charging you for it.

There are areas of their site that only premium members can access. And there’s a little bit of mental friction there.

If you try to opt in with the same contact information to get access to a different video, they ask you to sign up again.

And as I said, that creates some friction.

Yes, you can enter a fake email, but, if you believe in the quality of the content (and it is really good content, Andrew is one of the best interviewers on the Internet actually), you won’t.

What Makes Mixergy’s Funnel Unique

Andrew Warner is like the Napoleon Hill of our time. He is excellent at interviewing entrepreneurs and helping them tell their stories in his interviews.

Where Mixergy’s Funnel Could Be Better

Their payment form still needs some touching up.

Maybe adding security badges and credit card logos.

I also think Mixergy could appeal to a bigger audience with different pricing packages.

SaaS Sales Funnel Example #11 – Mailchimp


MailChimp is a freemium email marketing tool. And similar to Wufoo, they offer a free trial.

They actually grew their business significantly when they decided to go freemium.

They did so by adding at the bottom of every email “Powered by MailChimp”.

And every email sent helped to spread the word. It created a kind of viral loop.

Steps in Mailchimp’s Sales Funnel

  1. Traffic: organic, direct from emails, blogs, and word of mouth.
  2. Homepage: their homepage is the first step of their sales funnel. Their branding line is aspirational marketing. It’s about identity, freedom, and self-expression—ideas that are bigger than a product. It’s likely that this method converts better and is more persuasive. These companies are established, and through A/B testing are embracing these aspirational marketing ideas.
  3. Pricing/Features Page: on MailChimp’s pricing page, the focus is on getting you signed up for free, with an email, username, and password. They want to get you up and running and start using their product as soon as possible. They hope you will help them market themselves by using their products and spreading MailChimp further.


Why Mailchimp’s Funnel Works

One of the best features they have is advertising how many millions of people are using their service. It’s a great example of social proof on their terms.

What Makes Mailchimp’s Funnel Unique

The interactive pricing page for calculating a prospect’s price is awesome. I think it’s definitely unique.


When you put in how many subscribers you have, it will instantly quote you the exact price.

The simplicity of the pricing is also good. It’s really based on how many email subscribers you have.

The aspirational marketing stands out on the homepage.

MailChimp really doesn’t talk at all about sending emails. It’s more about getting you in the door to use the product.

They actually barely mention the fact that email marketing with their services can grow your business. They don’t focus more on results rather than on getting more sales or leads.

SaaS Sales Funnel Example #12 – Leadpages


As a landing page builder, Leadpages is showing you the product right upfront.

They show you how the product works and how easy it is to use. They also have a very popular blog, which is where their sales funnel starts.

Steps in Leadpages’ Sales Funnel

  1. Homepage: Leadpages’ CTA to start their free trial is found across their entire website.
  1. Pricing Page: the pricing page is very clear. All packages are compared to each other. As a matter of fact, in this conversion rate case study from the 313 analyzed in the Proven Sales Conversion Pack, providing price comparison on a landing page can increase conversion rate by 10%.


Why Leadpages’ Funnel Works

They put a heavy emphasis on their funnel for annual sign-ups. There are steep discounts offered if you sign up for the whole year instead of just monthly.


SaaS Sales Funnel Example #13 – Drift

Drift offers live-chatting on their customers' websites.

They also have some other helpful tools. And they have a pretty good blog that links to their homepage.


Steps in Drift’s Sales Funnel

  1. Traffic: blog, referrals, organic, affiliates.
  2. Homepage: the homepage is incredibly simple. The background is plain white and there is one image of a real person. They have a CTA to “Get a Demo” and to “Take a Tour”.
  3. Pricing Page: their pricing page showcases their 3 pricing packages with each of their different features. You also get to chat with customer support if you click on “Get More Details” if you have more questions before choosing your package.


Why Drift’s Sales Funnel Works

Drift’s sales funnel is effective because of its easy, direct path to set up.

They only ask for your email address to start using their service. And once you sign up, you can use the service right away.

Their free version doesn’t include as much as the paid version, however, you can use it for free as long as you’d like.

Plenty of companies do free trials, but few offer totally free services.

For some smaller companies, they might never need to pay for Drift. Others may try the free version and decide to pay for more features, moving further down the funnel.

Sales Funnel Example #14 – Wufoo


Wufoo’s design is very simple. If anything, it feels a bit light.

They emphasize the dinosaur and cartoonish aspects of their brand. And I think that has been a smart move because it adds personality to their site.



Steps in Wufoo’s Sales Funnel

  1. Traffic: blogs, referrals, organic, affiliates.
  1. Homepage: their homepage is very simple with few colors and illustrations.
  1. Pricing Page: Wufoo’s pricing page is very simple and clear. There are 4 pricing options to choose from, plus their free trial.


  1. Free Sign-up: signing up is simple. You just need to create a username and password. Once you get in and start using their tools, you’ll have to upgrade. The free account limits the number of forms you can use. When you hit that limit, you’re instructed to upgrade. Otherwise, your account won’t work.


Why Wufoo’s Funnel Works

Wufoos’ funnel works because their copy is clear. There is some unique branding as far as their logo and subtle dinosaur elements.

In their introductory video, they’re showing you exactly what the application looks like, as if in a demo.

The language in the copy is also informal and casual. This makes the reading experience a pleasant one.

And finally, there’s also lots of social proof from well-known brands that everyone is familiar with.


Sales Funnel Example #15 — Moz


Moz’s site design is simple.

Using words like “SERP” on their homepage copy can make it a bit hard for some prospects to digest.

Because less advanced users might not immediately know what SERP means.

Steps in Moz’s Sales Funnel

  1. Traffic: organic, direct from emails, blog, word of mouth.
  2. Homepage: they’re not afraid to go heavy on the copy. Their products are broken down into 3 audiences: ones who want a DIY solution (like a local business with more than one location), marketers, and for experts.


They also have good social proof on their homepage.


3. Pricing Page: to sign up for their free trial, you have to first create your Moz profile. And then, you need to add your credit card information.


Why Moz’s Funnel Works

Moz is great at using social proof. And their homepage is very informative—even though the copy is a little text-heavy.

Financial Service Sales Funnel Example #16 – Mint


Mint is a business-to-consumer business.

It’s all about downloading and keeping track of your financial data.

It’s a free app, so they want to make it as easy as possible for people to get signed up and start benefiting from it immediately.

When Mint first launched, it was a big deal to have to connect your bank account to an online company. And back then, people were very skeptical.

The most appealing part of their funnel is that you can sign up for free.

Once you’re using Mint, the way the site makes money is through credit card recommendations.

Mint goes through your finances and matches you to a card. This is done in a win-win way, though.

You’re signing up for the credit card, which makes the credit card company money. But you’re also saving money through the site’s features and getting rewards.

Once they have enough data and their system determines it’s the right time, Mint will actually email you a personalized recommendation for a credit card.

Steps in Mint’s Sales Funnel

  1. Inbound Traffic: blogs, referrals, organic, affiliates.
  2. Homepage: their homepage is simple. It’s worth noting that they are frequently A/B testing. And there’s a “How it works” CTA at the nav bar where prospects can learn more about their services.
  3. Sign-up Form: when you click on their green CTA button to sign up, the sign-up form is displayed and asks you for your email, password, and phone number.


Why Mint’s Sales Funnel Works

Today, Mint is more than just a personal finance manager. It also tracks your credit score (at no extra charge), lets you pay bills right from the app, and creates budgets.

This funnel works because it’s simple. Their CTA to sign up for free is clear.

The design is also trustworthy and clean.

In addition, the visibility of the sign-up buttons remains consistent across all the pages. Although I think their CTAs could benefit from being a different color. One that would contrast the “greenish” design of their website. Because CTA buttons that contrast backgrounds can boost conversions.

This funnel also works because they show you exactly what you’ll be getting when you sign up.

Real Estate Investment Coaching Sales Funnel Example #17 — SubTo


SubTo is a real estate investment coaching business led by Pace Morby.

SubTo helps other real estate investors generate more leads, better negotiate with sellers, and make more profits from real estate deals.

Their homepage copy is short and sweet with a primary CTA inviting prospects to watch their free training.

Not a lot of text on the copy. Just some social proof in the form of clients’ testimonials and a short breakdown of the benefits from their training.

I also go more in detail on this sales funnel example in my video walk-through here.


Steps in SubTo’s Sales Funnel

  1. Homepage & Training Video Landing Page: their funnel starts with a CTA to watch a training video (it’s free although they don‘t state this). And the catch of offering a free training video is that prospects must add their email address in order to access the video. This way, SubTo will give away their video for free but in exchange for prospects’ email address (for later nurturing). They purposely do not show the length of the video. For people who are really invested, they won’t mind the length of the video, they will just keep watching it and watching it. But for people who aren’t that invested, they may want to just skim through it. It’s also really smart that they have the “Schedule Your Strategy Session” right there as the next step for people to take in case they want to skip the video.


  1. Booking Page: after prospects opt in for the training video, they’re presented with a CTA to schedule a strategy call with one of their team members. And even though they don’t state it’s a free consultation call, it is free of charge. They also have a brief explanation of what prospects can expect from that strategy call (to better weed out unqualified leads). Also note how the headline says “Fill Out Your Application…” This means that leads don’t just get to book the call right away. They have to apply first. So because of that word choice (“Fill Out Your Application”), it sounds like leads may not necessarily end up getting in the call.


  1. Thank You Page: after prospects book their call, they’re redirected to a Thank You page. Here they’re given a few steps to take to prepare for their call. And I think this is great because it increases show rates (people showing to the calls). This page feels also personal because you see Pace right there. Although I think his face is inconsistent with his photo on the homepage. Because he has more of a “less serious” face here. So in terms of consistency, I think his face should not look that different from the homepage.


Why SubTo’s Sales Funnel Works

Giving away valuable content for free like a training video, is always a super smart move from any business.


Because it builds rapport with prospects. You’re giving them something that you could easily charge money for. But instead, like the gift that keeps on giving, you’re giving this valuable thing for free.

This requires little commitment from your prospects because they don’t have to give away their billing information to a stranger.

Instead, your prospects will get to know the quality of your service or products by that piece of valuable content you just gave them at no cost. And if they like it, they’ll keep coming back for more and eventually become your customers or clients.

Also, I really like their social proof. It’s clear, straightforward, and it’s bite-sized.

And I like the fact that they exercise the Law of Repetition by adding a second CTA to watch the training at the bottom of the page.


Where SubTo’s Funnel Could Be Better

I think they could better exercise the Law of Visibility better to make it more clear to their audience about what they’re selling.

Because “More Than a Course” lacks clarity. It’s unclear what the core offer is going to be.

People will want to know what they’re going to be sold on. Will it be an info product? Will it be a coaching community?


Also, there seems to be a bug here where the CTA overlaps with the dots.


And in terms of quality assurance, every single detail matters. In fact, there are zero multipliers that can kill your conversions. So better to keep an eye on these conversion killers.

In fact, we’ve actually seen a correlation between typos and conversions. Because who’s going to trust a company who has typos or mistakes on their website?

Real Estate Coaching Sales Funnel Example #18 — Tom Ferry


Tom Ferry is a real estate coach who helps real estate professionals tap into their full potential and generate more leads for coaching businesses. This is what I would call the “Choose Your Own Adventure” funnel.

This website has 2 primary CTAs: one to book a free coaching call, and another one to register for a webinar (also for free).

They have a good amount of social proof—enough to position Tom Ferry as a trustworthy real estate coach.


They also have social proof in the form of logos, and an “About Us” section on the homepage for prospects to get to know Tom better.


I also go more in detail on this real estate coaching sales funnel example in my video walk-through here.

Steps in Tom Ferry’s Sales Funnel

  1. Homepage: this sales funnel starts at their homepage where prospects are presented 2 different CTAs: to book a free consultation call, or to register for a free webinar (depending on their goal).
  1. Pricing Page: for prospects who are ready to sign up for this real estate coach’s service and skip the consultation call and webinar, they can click on the pricing page at the nav bar. This pricing page is a bit complex. It’s text heavy (which can make prospects not want to read the full copy), and the pricing table is buried at the bottom of the page. Also, each pricing package is text heavy which can add some friction to the sign-up process.


  1. Booking Page: here’s where people can get ready to book their free call if they didn’t register for the webinar. Leads just have to fill out a short form with their contact information. But I think this page may be out of alignment because leads are not being asked for their phone number, yet below the form, it says they’ll receive a text message.



Why Tom Ferry’s Sales Funnel Works

Tom Ferry’s sales funnel is offering 2 different things for free to prospects: a consultation call and a webinar.

And as you know, when you give away something for free, your prospects’ perceived risk is minimized.

Having said that, this funnel probably converts a lot of those prospects who start by getting those free “assets.”

Also, I think those photos look pretty real and make the website feel more personal.

And a repeating pattern I’ve found in our 313 conversion rate optimization case studies I analyzed is that using an authentic photo instead of a stock photo converts significantly better.

For example, showing real images can improve sign-up rates by 45.45%. And it can also boost form submission by 161%.

I also like that they have recent social proof from 2023 like in the logo below.


Where Tom Ferry’s Funnel Could Be Better

Sliders in eCommerce websites are discouraged because it introduces friction. So I think this website could benefit from removing that from their hero section.


Also, I think they have way too many CTAs and it can be confusing where to click.


And their CTA “Schedule a Free Coaching Consultation” sounds wordy. Perhaps shortening would make it more likely to be clicked.

I also think that this funnel could convert significantly better if it would turn into a survey funnel. Because this is an efficient way to personalize the offers for your audience.

Also their pricing table should have less text because people may not want to read those chunks of text.

Productized Service Sales Funnel Example #19 — Lead Cookie


Lead Cookie is a B2B lead generation agency that provides high-quality done-for-you LinkedIn lead gen for businesses.

They’ve been pretty successful with their productized business model.

They even had 2,083 people opting in for their lead magnet “The Lead Cookie Content Playbook.” This happened in less than 18 months with 100% organic traffic, and with no ad spend at all.

And they saw 28.32% of revenue come from content marketing.

Their design is pretty minimalist. And their copy isn’t text-heavy.

And their logo feels pretty personalized with the face on the cookie.

If you prefer going through a more in-detail explanation of this sales funnel example, you can watch the video here.

Steps in Lead Cookie’s Sales Funnel

  1. Homepage: their homepage design is pretty nice and the copy clear. They showcase some of their testimonials and companies that have partnered with them. They don’t have too many CTAs on their homepage. But their primary CTA is to first see if prospects are a fit before they sign up.


  1. Survey Page: before signing up, Lead Cookie asks several questions to prospects about their business size, target audience, etc. to first see if they’re a fit for their service. Once they review the prospects’ submission, they reach out through email with a response within 2-3 business days.


Where Lead Cookie’s Funnel Could Be Better

I think their website could benefit from having a “how it works” section or examples. Because it’s unclear how they work and how they achieve that lead generation.

They slightly mention something about LinkedIn but it’s still unclear what their process is like.

Also, knowing their pricing could be useful for people to know. I think leads should know upfront before having to check first if they’re a fit or not for Lead Cookie.

Is the cost variable? It would be better to know that beforehand.

If you want to get great work done for your coaching, SaaS, eCommerce, startup, agency, productized service, or professional services business—without the headaches of hiring a team—then download this free guide: 29 Examples of Marketing Projects You Can Delegate to AutoGrow to save you time, grow client revenue, and scale.


Once in a while, maybe when you’re stumped about why your sales funnel isn’t converting, just take a look at these examples from 19 successful companies that are killing it with their sales funnels.

I hope they’re a great reference you can model to improve your own funnel—whether you’re an eCommerce store, SaaS, coaching, info product, or professional services business.

Some of what I covered in this article I also cover in our Sales Funnel Diagram Pack (one of our highest-converting info products), in case you want to check it out.

And here’s a summary of the 19 most effective sales funnel examples you want to model to convert more customers and clients that we reviewed:

  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example #1 Netflix
  • eCommerce Sales Funnel Example #2 — Groupon
  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example #3 — Help Scout
  • Productized Service Sales Funnel Example #4 — AutoGrow
  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example #5 — Basecamp
  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example#6 — Harvest
  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example #7 — Crazy Egg
  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example #8 — SharpSpring Ads
  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example #9 — Grasshopper
  • Membership Site Sales Funnel Example #10 — Mixergy
  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example #11 — Mailchimp
  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example #12 — Leadpages
  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example #13 — Drift
  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example #14 — Wufoo
  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example #15 — Moz
  • SaaS Sales Funnel Example #16 — Mint
  • Real Estate Investment Coaching Sales Funnel Example #17 — SubTo
  • Real Estate Coaching Sales Funnel Example #18 — Tom Ferry
  • Productized Service Sales Funnel Example #19 — Lead Cookie

Also, keep in mind that...

  • The stages of a sales funnel differ from company to company.
  • Never be afraid to make a big design move as you develop your own funnel.
  • A/B test often when implementing a new sales funnel.
  • Go light on the text on your homepage. Clarity of what you are offering is key.
  • Make the customer feel secure as they’re checking out. Your checkout page shouldn’t differ too much from the design scheme on the rest of your site. People should feel like they are on the same website.

Now tell me something, which of these sales funnel examples was most useful to you? Did these inspire you to revisit your own funnel?

If you need us to create from scratch or optimize your existing sales funnel, AutoGrow can help you with that and with all of your marketing tasks. All you have to do is try us for $7 and delegate to us your funnel strategy and implementation.

Let me know in the comments below how your sales funnel does after modeling these funnel examples.

Keep funnelin', stay focused,



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