How to Attract More Leads With More Landing Pages (Easier than you think)



Have you ever been on a fishing boat?

If so, you know you have to toss your hook out to sea to catch fish.

If you only have one hook and one fishing line, you can only catch one at a time.

But if you cast out more hooks and lines, you can catch much more fish.

Think of these fishing hooks like your content or your landing pages. The more you have, the more leads you’re going to be able to reel in.

Here at AutoGrow, we publish content every single week. If you dig back through our blog archive, you can see we’ve been doing this for years.


This goes back to the fishing boat analogy mentioned above. The more content you have, the more leads you can generate for your business.

In this article, we’re going to explore the concept of “more landing pages = more leads”, because you’re probably wondering: what kind of landing pages do I need? How many?

Let’s find out.

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Why Do More Landing Pages = More Leads?

So why do we assume that having more landing pages equal more leads?

HubSpot produced great research confirming this. Although their article was first published in 2012, it’s been consistently updated in the years since. The last update was in 2017.

Their Marketing Benchmarks From 7,000 Businesses report uncovered that by having 10 or 15 landing pages, companies could see a spike in leads by 55%. That said, having fewer than 10 landing pages does not produce that influx of leads.


If you’re a B2B or B2C company, HubSpot recommends having even more landing pages.

For instance, 40 landing pages is a good number for B2Bs. B2Cs want to stick with about 40 landing pages as well, per the research.


So why is this so?

HubSpot broke it down into four reasons:

  1. If you make at least 40 landing pages, they’re going to be hyper-targeted to your audience (see my “Law of Alignment” here to more deeply understand the concept of targeting). That means you can essentially engage with every segment of your audience.
  2. You have a chance to sell multiple offers if you have that many landing pages. That means more leads and possibly more revenue, too.
  3. Not only that, but there’s variety in your offers. Since these offers are so various, a greater number of leads might bite.
  4. Last, but certainly not least, you can boost conversions with these landing pages. Think about it: the more landing pages you make, the easier it is for leads to search and find you.

Now, let’s discuss an example of a company that used targeted landing pages (and other marketing tactics) to achieve success.

You’ve probably heard of Mint, right? It’s a free service that’s used for budgeting, checking your credit score, and keeping track of your finances. It was founded in late 2007, and by 2009, Mint had nearly two million users.

Not only that, but when Mint was sold, it was purchased for $170 million.


Photo via The Balance

Kissmetrics outlined the success of Mint and the factors that led to its tremendous growth. These include:

  • A consistent social media presence, especially on Twitter and Facebook. Not only did Mint post regularly, but they would use social media for promotions and giveaway announcements. They became known for their quick replies as well.
  • They optimized keywords. They also knew where and how to place ads, such as in these examples:



  • They started their own Q&A website called Mint Answers. Although it no longer seems to be running today, Kissmetrics likens it to Quora or Yahoo! Answers.
  • Mint blogged often and promoted its content.
  • They created infographics, which are highly shareable.
  • Mint had optimized landing pages. Mint designer Jason Putorti chatted with Kissmetrics about their landing page strategy. Here’s what he said: “We had a lot of landing pages, content on the blog and marketing sites, and a very metrics driven approach to all of it. For every popular finance query on Google, we had a page and content for it, and iterated landing pages to optimize conversions.”

Interested in seeing what their homepage landing page looked like? Noah Kagan at OkDork shares the targeted landing pages from Mint’s early days before their launch.

There are six of them total: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Each landing page has a different theme via its headline. The copy is the same for each, which goes to show how versatile Mint is. Here are the themes of each homepage landing page:

  • Landing page version #1: “Put money back in your pocket”
  • Landing page version #2: “Navigate the credit card jungle”
  • Landing page version #3: “There are more important things in life”
  • Landing page version #4: “We’ve made it easy to live the good life”
  • Landing page version #5: “Want an extra $2000?”
  • Landing page version #6: “Where is all your money going?”

Here Are the Types of Landing Pages to Use For More Leads

To figure out what types of landing pages to create, start by making sure the copy for each page matches with the intent of your audience.

For instance, is your customer just researching, looking for specific help with something, or ready to buy?

You need landing pages that match up to the different levels of intent.

Your customer’s intent will determine the design, copy and context for each page. Let’s go over each type of buyer intent below, and what types of landing pages to create for each.

And how do you find the intent?

Do your research on what keywords people in your market search for.

Blog Posts Targeted at Research Intent

The line between a landing page being a landing page and a blog post being a landing page is often blurred. Sometimes, landing pages aren’t purely sales or opt-in pages. Sometimes they’re just content that’s optimized to capture leads, like a blog post.

Blog posts can be landing pages because their content has keywords with research intent. If this sounds familiar, it’s because we discussed this concept in another blog post.

As a refresher, research/search intent keywords are centered around learning more about a company or product, such as a how-to search.

For example, if you were a web design company looking to attract people towards your services, you might create a blog post around people searching for “how to design a website”.

Blog posts with research intent are more loose, you’re just providing educational information that people are searching for around your product or service. The goal is to create content so they will find your site.

Note: It doesn’t have to exclusively be a blog post either. It can be a short landing page targeting a long tail keyword. For example, when I was working on a previous startup before AutoGrow, we had a landing page that attracted email subscribers who searched for “How to Build a 10,000 Subscriber Email List.”

Landing Pages Targeted at Commercial Intent

For this type of landing page, you want to optimize the landing page by adding keywords into the copy that people would type in if they were looking for a purchase in the future.

Commercial intent is research-oriented towards an eventual decision related to a product or service.

To use our previous web design example, an example of a keyword with commercial intent would be “how much does web design cost.”

This kind of landing page would use keywords your ideal customer would use if they already had a product in mind, but they weren’t quite ready to buy yet. They need more information before pulling the trigger.

You would use these keywords on something like a Features page on your website, a page where the call-to-action would lead to a How It Works page, or something similar with direct buyer intent.

Lead Generation Pages Targeted at Direct Buyer Intent

A buyer intent landing page or sales page will present the product, as well as its features and benefits.

The purpose is to convert, pure and simple.

That can mean to get prospects to fill out a form, call, or buy something.

If we were a web design agency, a keyword to create a landing page around would be “web design services.”

This customer is specifically looking for your service and they are ready to buy.

There’s often a clear value proposition, as well as strong CTAs. Pricing is featured prominently as well. If a lead is interested, they can often get an instant quote or book a call.

This goes back to the Sunflower Technique I mentioned in my course, the 6-Figure Sales Funnel.

Here’s a bit about this technique:

“The Sunflower Technique is different from simply adding landing pages or blog content for a few important reasons.

First, it’s called the Sunflower Technique because these are pages branching out (like petals on a sunflower) from the core (via footer or navigation links), which is your homepage and other key pages in your funnel, like your about page or service page, for instance.

Second, unlike just adding landing pages or blog articles, the Sunflower Technique is specifically looking to bring in more targeted, sustainable, consistent traffic from people who are continuously searching for keywords with direct (or potential) buyer intent.”


Photo via Rodale’s Organic Life

So the premise is that the pages that people land on are often topic-specific. You want to optimize for one keyword, and the information you provide depends on the intent.


For a company like ours, another kind of landing page might be a tripwire landing page. When leads arrive on our blog, we’ll often direct them to our tripwire offer after they opt-in for a lead magnet, so they can make a small initial purchase as they’re deciding whether to buy our complete sales funnel training program.

The Homepage

If you’re a SaaS business like Mint above, you might have an entire page dedicated to a product feature. Mint’s product feature pages were educational and attracted traffic, but each included a CTA back to the homepage or a how-it-works page. Their homepage would then go after those with direct “buyer” intent. Our homepage is structured much the same way.

Take Action: One Thing To Do in the Next 15 Minutes...

Pick a keyword with commercial intent and build a landing page around it.

Make sure to use the target keyword in the headline and title tag.

Write some educational text that fulfills on the promise of the title, then include a call-to-action at the bottom. The CTA button should either link to your homepage where people can sign-up, buy, or contact you—or, it should link them to an opt-in form to join your email list.

If the latter, make sure you’re offering a compelling lead magnet.

If you’d like to download a copy of this article to read later, click here.


Still itching for more leads? Learn how to double them with my free “Double Your Leads in 30 Days” email course.

In this post, we proved through research that more landing pages = more leads. Of course, not just any landing page will work. To review:

  • Having more content is another way to bring in more leads.
  • Landing pages can often be organized by their intent. There’s search intent, where the lead is just looking for information about a product or service. Then there’s commercial intent, where the lead starts to dig for more specific info, but isn’t yet ready to buy. Lastly, there’s buyer intent, where they intend to make a purchase.
  • The types of landing pages you want to focus on are blog content, lead generation pages with keywords, tripwires and your homepage.
  • Don’t be afraid to make more landing pages. If you’re a B2B company, for instance, you may make more than 40 targeted landing pages that appeal to your audience segments.

Now that you know you can get more leads with more landing pages, do you plan on adding more landing pages to your site?

If so, what kinds? Let me know in the comments.

Keep Hustlin’, Stay Focused,



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