101 Effective Ways to Promote Your Content in 2023



Content marketing is like a car.

They aren’t just shiny objects parked in your driveway (or blog) waiting to be driven (or seen, read, or shared by 1,000’s of people).


You need to push the start button in both in order to get them going.

Because your content is the fuel for your sales engine⛽.

And content promotion is the… IGNITION switch!

But of the many possible ways to promote your content, which ones actually work that you can quickly copy?

Well, that’s exactly why I wrote today’s resource. 

To take away the guesswork of wondering “what works?” and “what are the simplest ways to start?”

Today, you’ll learn:

  • The 101 most efficient ways for your business to promote its content.
  • All the proven content promotion tactics, broken down into 6 major categories so that you can see traffic rise like champagne bubbles.
  • And why the difference between content that gets a few shares and a few thousand shares isn’t simply an issue of quality but rather an issue of promotion.

Let’s start by the first tactic, have you tried this one?

In a rush? Want to download this article as a PDF so you can easily take action on it later? Click here to download this article as a PDF guide.

YouTube video

Promote Your Content in Social Media


1. Promote Content by Adding Social Sharing Buttons


Posting on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, or Pinterest can get new people looking at your social channels. 

In fact, research by Orbit Media shows that in 2019, 97% of the traffic of blog posts came from social media.



This one first content promotion way may seem like a no brainer but many marketers still don’t do it and don’t optimize which buttons actually appear on their site. 

HubSpot says it’s possible to get more social mentions (7x more!) by adding social sharing buttons.

Both ShareThis and AddThis let you quickly make and customize sharing buttons to include in your blog posts regardless of your type of blog post.



2. Promote Content by Publishing Your Social Media Posts at the Best Times

The same way there are best times to send emails for better open and click-through rates, there are best times to publish social media posts.

For instance, publish any social media posts during optimal times to get people clicking on your content.

According to Sprout Social, these are the best times to post on each social media platform. 

Best time to post on Facebook:



Best time to post on Instagram:



Best times to post on Twitter:



Those are the times where your posts will naturally get the highest engagement. 

3. Promote Content by Using Social Bookmarking Sites

Social bookmarking sites like BizSugar or Reddit can increase your traffic.

Process Street got 11% more traffic to their blog from social bookmarking sites like Reddit, Inbound, and GrowthHackers.

And that translated it into tens of thousands of visitors landing on their blog one month because of the use of social bookmarking sites.

4. Promote Content by Making Branded Social Graphics

There are great tools you can use to make your own branded graphics for social media.

Some examples are Canva and RelayThat.



5. Promote Content by Using Quuu Promote

Quuu Promote is a social media content suggestion site. 


They let you reach brand new audiences with your content and get hundreds of shares and mentions.

In fact, their users have had their content shared on social media over 50,000,000 times.

6. Promote Content by Sharing on Relevant Subreddits

Subreddits are subsections of Reddit dedicated to a specific topic. 

There’s essentially a Subreddit for everything.

Find a Subreddit for your industry or niche and then share your content there. 



7. Promote Content by Trying Paid Discovery on StumbleUpon

As an alternative to native advertising, there’s StumbleUpon


Their ads system is quite interesting since, as StumbleUpon says, “your content is the ad.”

That content can be slideshows, videos, images and text.

8. Promote Content by Posting Your Content on Social Media More Than Once

I get what you’re thinking... 

“More than once? Isn’t that a great way to annoy my customers?”

You’d be surprised. 

Author Jeremy Waite told Buffer his little social media posting secret...



So don’t be afraid to share across social media a second time to introduce your content to some new eyes. Even if you’re promoting your social media campaigns.

One gem from a conversation I had with Neil Patel was that he shares the same content multiple times a day. But he re-words each post so it doesn’t look like duplicate content.

For instance, re-wording and sharing the same post is especially important on Twitter, where a tweet’s average lifespan is roughly 18 minutes.

9. Promote Content by Using Engaging Images

Let me ask you a question, how important are images in your content promotion? 

Just look at this case study.

Andrianes Pinantoan of SmartBlogger found a quick, simple way to get more traffic in 60 days. 

And part of his strategy involved the use of images.

By posting more on Pinterest and adding more images to blog posts and other content, Pinantoan saw a 226% increase in traffic. 

Of course, he also reverse engineered content, focused on topic ideas via Quora and BuzzSumo and wrote stronger content.

10. Promote Content by Using Videos on Social Media

Almost as important as using the right images in social media is using videos. 

According to Buzzsumo, video is the best Facebook post format and gets at least 59% more engagement than other post types.



Research by HubSpot shows that video content is 50 times more likely to drive organic search results than in the form of text.



And the same study shows that by including a video in your post, organic traffic can increase by 157% from search results. 

Videos don’t always have to be stuffy and serious, but can instead promote your brand in a fun and informative way.

From Facebook Live video and even YouTube, you can make short videos to get the word out about your content, your products, your promotions and so much more.

In fact, according to Sprout Social, live video is becoming a vital tool for social marketers. And 42% of them have already developed a strategy for Facebook Live.

Just take a look at AutoGrow's YouTube channel to see how we always promote each of our blog posts with fun, educational videos.



11. Promote Content by Posting Inspiring or Famous Quotes

Quotes are motivational, inspirational, and great to share on social media. 

For instance, use quotes from your blog posts to put on social graphics, and add your link to the bottom of the graphic so people can visit your site if they relate to the quote.

Promote Content in Facebook


12. Promote Content Via Facebook Groups

Facebook has its own groups

Search via Facebook to find groups you’re interested in. 

Some are public, which means anyone can join. Others may be private, which means a moderator must approve access.

Once you’re in, you can post and promote your content if the group admin allows it.

13. Promote Content by Making Polls on Facebook

Neil Patel says question posts garner the most interest on Facebook. 

And according to BuzzSumo, question-based posts in Facebook get more likes and clicks after videos.

By using Facebook Business Manager, you can make your own polls.

14. Promote Content by Using Facebook to Boost Your Blog Post

Karola Karlson of Online Marketing Institute recommends giving your content on Facebook a boost.

This is a paid service, but it floats your post to the top of your audiences’ respective timelines.



Karlson recommends first posting content. Then, within the hour, boost it.

15. Promote Content by Using Lookalike Audiences on Facebook Ads

Facebook Lookalike Audiences are curated audiences that may be more receptive to your products/services. 

If you’re interested in making your own Lookalike Audiences, Facebook has a useful step-by-step guide here.



16. Promote Content by Investing in Google+ Ads

According to Daniel Kosir of Search Engine People, Google+ Ads (known as +Post Ads) can be a great way to drive traffic if you have an engaged Google+ audience of 1,000 or more.

+Post Ads transform any preexisting or new post into an ad. 

And if you get inappropriate comments, these become part of the ad as well, so it’s a gamble.

In my experience, Google+ is fading fast as a social network. 

Its future is unclear. 

However, I can say it did net us some positive growth in our email list when we first started out. 

Today, the team and I at AutoGrow no longer use it to promote content though.

17. Promote Content by Joining Google+ Communities

Google+ Communities, like most social media platforms, include every topic imaginable.

You should join communities related to your industry. 

By posting, sharing, and commenting often, you may get more people to visit your site.

Mashable’s guide on Google+ Communities is great supplementary material as well to keep in mind.



18. Promote Content by Getting on Pinterest (With a Business Account)

Julia McCoy of Content Marketing Institute recommends these best practices for using Pinterest to promote your content:

  • Keep your username short and sweet.
  • Don’t forget to complete your bio, which includes keywords that make it easier for other users to find you.
  • Add a “Pin it” button to your website content so people can easily pin images that link to your site content.
  • Make sure people can follow your account and save your post.


You also want to make sure that when you sign up for Pinterest, you do so as a business account to take advantage of their marketing tools.

19. Promote Content by Pinning More Than Once Per Day

According to Buffer, 5 daily pins on Pinterest is a good baseline. 



You may even post 30 daily pins if you have that much valuable content to share. 

But the sweet spot is about 9 pins, a happy medium.



20. Promote Content by Joining Pinterest Contributor Boards

Sure, you know about Facebook and LinkedIn Groups, but what about Pinterest? 

Pinterest Contributor Boards let you find new audiences as you pin and share to the board.

21. Promote Content by Using Rich Pins and Video

Also on Pinterest there are the Rich Pins which can be an article, recipe, product or app. 

These “provide more context about an idea because they show information directly on a Pin,” according to Pinterest itself.

Here’s an example of a recipe Rich Pin:



22. Promote Content by Making Pinterest Ads

Pinterest advertises via Promoted Pins. 

Pinterest says Promoted Pins may even outdo organic Pins in terms of engagement.

The great thing about Promoted Pins is that they never disappear if someone repins them.

So if you spend money promoting pins, and people repin them to their followers, there’s still the possibility of more visibility, even after you’ve stopped promoting the pin.

23. Promote Content by Pinning Images Without Faces

Over the years, I’ve talked about social proof a lot here at AutoGrow. 

And one of the things I’ve always highlighted is the importance of creating a human element.

But when it comes to promoting your content on Pinterest, it actually works better not posting people’s faces.

In fact, according to Sprout Social, you’ll earn more repins (up to 23%) by pinning pictures without someone’s face. 

That doesn’t mean there can’t be humans in the photo, just not their faces.

Funny, huh?





24. Promote Content by Creating Twitter Cards

Ever heard of a Twitter card before? 

These were popularized by entrepreneur Paul Jarvis.


Twitter defines them as a means to “attach rich photos, videos and media experiences to Tweets, helping you to drive traffic to your website.”

In the example above, Jarvis added the ability to subscribe to The Sunday Dispatches to his Twitter card. 

25. Promote Content by Advertising on Twitter

Advertising on Twitter is always another option for promotion. 

According to Twitter’s business page, you can choose from advertisements like Promoted Trends, Promoted Accounts and Promoted Tweets. 

But no matter which one you choose, Twitter includes a Promoted icon so users know the difference.

26. Promote Content by Using Influencer Marketing on Twitter

Kosir says Tweetdeck in particular is handy for finding influencers on Twitter. 

He recommends augmenting Tweetdeck with BuzzSumo, Feedly and Topsy.

And once you’ve found your influencers, tweet or reach out to one you’ve mentioned in your content. 

The results from this will be hit or miss, but the goal is to get them to share your content with their network.

Also, in a past interview with Neil Patel, he said getting influencers to share your content is more important than getting them to link to it. 

So try it out!

27. Promote Content by Using Relevant Hashtags

When posting on social media, use relevant hashtags. 

According to a study by Statista, Instagram posts with 3 to 4 hashtags between March 2021-2022, had an average impression rate of 3.41%.

On Twitter, the right hashtag is everything

Twitter users can find your account and content through hashtags. 

Engagement also typically goes up here.



And according to Buffer, tweets with one or more hashtags are 55% more likely to be retweeted.

And tweets with hashtags receive 2X as much engagement as tweets without them.

So what are you waiting for?

28. Promote Content by Using Keywords in Your Tweets

Just as important as your correct use of hashtags is keyword usage. 

Social Media Examiner says these keywords can be useful in identifying audience pain points via browsing latest tweets and search queries.


So, the same way you add keywords to your blog post titles to get more traffic, do the same with your tweets.

29. Promote Content by Sharing Your Content in Twitter Chats

Twitter Chats are online gatherings often about 60 minutes done in a Q&A format. 

All questions and responses have the same hashtag for easy reference later.

You can start a Twitter Chat on just about any topic, including content concepts you want to unpack further. 

30. Promote Content by Sharing Your Tweets Between 120-130 Characters for Higher Click-Throughs

Your tweets can be up to 280 characters. 

With that being said, research from Buffer backs up the idea that shorter tweets can boost click-through rates.



31. Promote Content by Mentioning People Who Would Love Your Post on Twitter

By mentioning people (via the @ symbol) on Twitter who would enjoy your content, they may be more inclined to share it.

Of course, finding those people is a whole different matter. 

You can use BuzzSumo or Followerwonk for that purpose.

32. Promote Content by Tweeting When Your Audience is Online

It makes sense.

If you post at a time where more people are online, the more people will be likely to share your posts. 

For instance, check Sprout Social’s schedule to post on Twitter.

Best times to post on Twitter for consumer goods:



Best times to post on Twitter for media:



Best times to post on Twitter for education:



Best times to post on Twitter for nonprofit:



33. Promote Content by Including “Click to Tweet” Links in Your Post to Encourage Shares

If you don’t have a Click to Tweet option for your content yet, you’ll want to get on that. 

This will make sharing easier for your audience, which may also incline them to do it.


34. Promote Content by Sharing Your Reaction to Your Own Popular Posts on Twitter

If one of your posts got a lot of shares, you might tweet about it. 

It doesn’t matter how old it is as long as it’s relevant to your audience.

That will pique the interest of those who haven’t yet read the post.

35. Promote Content by Trying Promoted Tweets

Promoted Tweets are just like LinkedIn’s Sponsored Content, but for Twitter. 

Once again, you’re paying for more engagement among new audiences. 

These tweets may be floated to the top of a Twitter user’s homepage or even show up in search results.

36. Promote Content by Pinning Tweets to the Top of Your Profile

Twitter lets you pin a single tweet to your profile page. 

It doesn’t matter how old it is—this will be the first tweet a person sees when they click your profile.

This is a great opportunity to drive traffic to your posts via Twitter. 

37. Promote Content by Including Ready-to-Tweet Messages in Your Emails

Here’s another helpful email promotional tool: ClickToTweet’s ready-to-tweet messages. 

These should be short (within Twitter’s character limit) and sweet. 

HubSpot even recommends using ClickToTweet to draft your tweets.




38. Promote Content by Adding Instagram Stories

Here are some stats on why you should be using Instagram for content promotion.

  • 500 million people use Instagram stories every day.
  • In 2024, 1.4 billion people will use Instagram. (Statista
  • Over 400 million Instagram users share Instagram stories every day. (Statista
  • Instagram stories get almost 10% of all ad spending on Facebook in 2019. (Bloomberg)
  • Brands on Instagram create an average of 2.5 stories on the platform every week. (Conviva
  • Top brands on Instagram are seeing a 4.21% per-follower engagement rate. This is 58X higher than on Facebook and 120X higher than on Twitter (Hootsuite)

Instagram Stories are only available for 24 hours, playing up scarcity. 

You can use Instagram Stories to preview upcoming content that you can later turn into “Highlights.”


39. Promote Content by Utilizing Your Instagram Bio

Speaking of Instagram, your Instagram bio is more than just a place to showcase cute emojis. 

You can also use it to post traffic-generating links.


Sumo recommends including a witty bio (keep it brief), a CTA and yes, even an emoji or two in your profile as well.

40. Promote Content By Streaming Live

Instagram Live is a feature that works within Instagram Stories.

It allows users to broadcast live videos to other users on the platform.

According to Facebook, at least 80% of Instagram users rely on Instagram to decide whether to buy a product or service.

And Instagram Live bumps your content to the first position in the Stories at the top of user’s feeds.

So when you do a live stream on Instagram, you can promote any of your content, products, or services.



41. Promote Content by Trying LinkedIn Sponsored Content

LinkedIn Sponsored Content is their form of native advertising. 

By paying to get your content sponsored, you could introduce it to brand new audiences.

42. Promote Content by Using SlideShare

If you already have a LinkedIn account, then you should use SlideShare


This free section of LinkedIn’s website lets you make and upload your very own slideshows.

From the title to the content itself, you can add in searchable keywords. 

You can also add a live link to the presentation, so if it’s compelling enough, people will click back to your site after they finish it.

43. Promote Content Via LinkedIn Groups

We’ve written about LinkedIn Groups before. 

LinkedIn is one of the most professional social media marketing sites that’s on the rise. 

And these stats support that statement.

  • 39% of the 500 million LinkedIn users are paying for a premium account. (Omnicore)
  • LinkedIn has 670 million members worldwide and over 167 million users in the U.S.
  • Professionals are signing up to join LinkedIn at a rate of more than two new members per second.
  • 40% of members visit the professional social network each day. (Omnicore

LinkedIn Groups is a great venue for connecting with professionals in similar industries and share content with like-minded individuals. 

It’s also a great job posting site and a general employee networking.


You can find groups via LinkedIn’s directory or by searching.

Once you get approved to join a group, you can share your content or network with people in your niche for more content exposure.



44. Promote Content By Letting Users See What Happens Behind the Scenes

One of the best parts about Snapchat is how it lets your customers go behind the scenes, so to speak, on the daily machinations of your company.

If you’re doing a product launch or attending a conference, get on Snapchat and share your experience. 

This human element is appealing to customers.

45. Promote Content By Running a Snapchat Promotion

You can also use Snapchat for contests and promotions. 

Cedar Point got into the Halloween spirit with its scary Snapchat story contest.


In the story, there was a ghost present for a split second. 

And to win the contest, users had to get a screenshot of the elusive ghost.

This contest was clever because Snapchat is all about screenshots. 

The app even notifies the user when someone saves a picture.

Cedar Point had 233% more engagement via its contest.


46. Promote Content By Utilizing Your High-Traffic Posts

Ever heard of traffic magnets

These are your highest-performing posts that can boost traffic to newer content. 

I’ve actually written 29 strategies to increase your website traffic.

But how do you boost traffic with your highest-trafficked posts? 


Just link to your new content in your traffic magnet.

47. Promote Content By Optimizing Your Content for SEO

A study by Orbit Media shows that over 78% of the people surveyed get traffic from SEO.



And when promoting content with SEO, keep in mind the following factors:

  • How much competition is there for the keyword you picked?  
  • Your on-site SEO (i.e., does your title tag in the HTML of the page have the keyword you’re trying to rank for in search engines embedded in it?)  
  • How great is your content that Google naturally wants to put you on the first page of search results and other people want to link to it? 

Remember, from Google’s point of view, it’s always trying to give its users the best possible result based on what they’re searching for. 

And if Google determines that your content best answers the needs of the searcher, you will move up in the rankings quickly. 

48. Promote Content By Getting on Google Trends

Google Trends is a free website that lets you learn more about popular trends.


You do need a Gmail account to use it.

You can search for any topic and gauge its interest over time. 

This is a great tool for deciding which keywords could make for popular content.



49. Promote Content By Making a Video Tip of the Week

Which tips would make your customers’ lives easier or more productive with your products or service? 

Provide it via your Video Tip of the Week. 

These clips should be short but informative.

Take a look at the example below…


50. Promote Content By Sharing Your Tip of the Day

The Tip of the Day concept is similar to the point above.

The difference is you’re posting the tips daily. 

By sharing this in the form of video, image, or text, will undoubtedly pique your audience’s interest.

Take a look at the example below…


51. Promote Content By Having a UGC Contest

Drum up attention with a user-generated content (UGC) contest.

That’s what KFC India did several times. 

They let their fans design buckets and even Currycatures, which are cartoonish Mii-like characters. 

This resulted in major engagement for the brand.

Check out their video below:

YouTube video

52. Promote Content By Utilizing Your Thank You Pages

Take your thank you or congrats page further. 

Instead of just thanking or congratulating your prospects for taking some action in your funnel, add a link to some great content so you can redirect them there. 

It’s what we always do in our funnel.

After prospects opt in to for example download our lead magnet, they are redirected to a thank you / congrats page where we invite them to watch our demo video or schedule a consultation.


This way we keep prospects in the loop and interested in what we have to offer to them.

53. Promote Content By Putting Your Product in Unusual Situations or Places

The Travelocity Gnome on A&E’s Shipping War



Yes, it happened, and it generated a lot of buzz. 

They used the famous gnome to promote their new show “Shipping Wars” in Latin America.

If you can find a way to position your product in an unusual place or situation, you too can get the spotlight.

54. Promote Content By Reaching Out to Content Communities

Did you know there are sites that exclusively introduce content to new audiences? 

They’re known as content communities. 

Of course, lots of other people are trying to do the same thing, so make sure you share only your best content.

Triberr, BizSugar, or Blog Engage are some of the communities you should try.




55. Promote Content By Reaching Out to People You Mention

Well-written articles include third-party research, quotes from entrepreneurs, stats from trusted sources, and other facts that help your article be credible and support claims.

When you do that, other companies, entrepreneurs, founders, and/or sites are mentioned. 

You can add a quote from someone, an interview, or research by a trustworthy company. 

With this tactic, you’re actually promoting your own content.



In your post, you’re adding a link to another site. 

And when your readers go through your article, they can click on that link and visit the website you linked them to. 

You’re actually promoting that other site.

For instance, gather the contacts you featured and do outreach. 

This plays up one of my principles of promoting content without pissing people off.

And this principle comes down to “people love to promote what promotes them.”

BuzzStream is a handy tool you can use for arranging contacts, writing email templates and sending outreach emails.


And here’s the template we use at AutoGrow for reaching out to people we mention in our articles for your reference.


56. Promote Content By Hosting a Webinar

Webinars are a great way to promote your content, in addition to being a driver of revenue for your products or services.

Jon Schumacher had 48% of his audience check out his webinar, and he brought in nearly $14,000

He did this by dividing his audience via ActiveCampaign according to their behavior during previous webinars.

Then, he emailed his audience to drum up interest in his upcoming webinar.

If customers didn’t open his first email, he sent only a single repeat email. 

For the 4 days leading up to the webinar, he emailed people every day. 

He also sent out one last email right before the webinar to pique his audience’s interest.

According to Schumacher, “industry standards for those who register but actually show up for your webinar is around 30%.” 

He says that by sending that last email on the day of the event, he saw a spike in his attendance rate.

57. Promote Content By Using Native Advertising

Whether you prefer Outbrain, Taboola or some other paid platform, native advertising is a tactic to consider. 

Copyblogger shared some handy examples of successful native advertising to inspire you.

58. Promote Content By Leaving Authentic Comments on Other Blogs

The keyword here is authentic

WordStream recommends omitting link-sharing in your first go-around to establish authenticity. 

More people will be likely to check out your content once you’ve proven you’re a trustworthy, valuable contributor to the comments section.

59. Promote Content By Increasing Your Referral Traffic

Referral traffic includes social media and any other means of generating traffic besides search engines. 

If your referral traffic could use a boost, HubSpot has some useful tips.

60. Promote Content By Submitting Your Post to Blog Aggregators

Content or blog aggregators are sites that are made just for sharing great content from around the web. 

These are some content aggregator sites to get you started:

  • Alltop
  • Popurls
  • The Web List
  •  WP News Desk
  • Blog Engage
  • Travel Blogger Community

61. Promote Content By Reaching Out to Influencers for a Quote

According to Neil Patel, to boost social sharing from your audience…

“There’s no better way to convince them your content is worth sharing than having their favorite influencer stand by your brand.”


If you can get a direct quote from influencers, that could increase shares even more.

62. Promote Content By Using Snip.ly

Snip.ly is especially useful for content promotion. 



This tool creates a CTA with links that can pop up on other people’s blogs or websites.


63. Promote Content By Connecting with Influential Bloggers/Journalists for Earned Media

Titan Growth defines earned media as: 

“Essentially online word of mouth, usually seen in the form of ‘viral’ tendencies, mentions, shares, reposts, reviews, recommendations, or content picked up by third-party sites.”



For instance, If you get an influencer to publish your content or talk about your content, that’s earned media. 

And in turn, the influencer’s audience could potentially become your audience. 

See how it works?

64. Promote Content By Linking to Related Articles in Your Blog Posts

Questions for your audience? Check. 

CTA? Check.

What else do your blog posts need?

UK marketing firm Gecko Agency suggests sharing a link to a related article. 

They mention that adding links to related articles in your blog post is useful because it helps expose your brand to more people.

This targets both early funnel and late funnel visitors to boost conversions.

Most marketers nowadays use this tactic and so do we.


So when you generate content for your blog, besides adding external links, include links to older posts from your blog.

At AutoGrow, we actually follow a rule of including at least one internal link back to AutoGrow.co. This makes our readers navigate through our articles without having to leave our blog page. 

So you might want to consider including links to other articles from your blog to promote your content.

65. Promote Content By Trying Web Push

You see (and hear) notifications all day on your phone. 

These may be emails or interesting posts on social media.

Web Push has a similar premise. 

You still get notifications, but now they’re on your web browser.


If your audience uses Web Push, they can see when you post new content right as it goes live. 

66. Promote Content By Publishing on Medium

Medium is a popular news and lifestyle publication that covers many topics. 


If you can get your content published here, you may significantly grow your audience.

According to WordStream, “getting your article featured in a publication will grow your reach beyond just your followers.”

And some tips they share on doing so are choosing quality images and following other users.

67. Promote Content By Getting on Popular Podcasts

We’ve talked about podcasts quite a bit on this list, but that’s because they’re important.

In addition to starting your own, make it a goal to get on someone else’s popular podcast.

Sumo’s guide on how to find and pitch to podcast hosts is a great starting point.

68. Promote Content By Using Quora

Quora lets you search for popular keywords and questions in your niche. 


You can also answer these so you can come off as an authority.

If you can position yourself as an authority on Quora with your answers and/or links to your posts, you could drive more website traffic.

David Schneider, one of the experts we featured in a recent expert roundup, actually regularly uses Quora to browse for content ideas as well.

69. Promote Content By Participating in a Link Roundup

It also helps to participate in link roundups that are published monthly/weekly for better backlinks and relationship building.

To find roundups to contribute to, CoSchedule recommends going into Google and searching like this:


70. Promote Content By Making Infographics

These sharable, educational images have grown in popularity over the years. 



Infographics are easy to make with tools like Visual.ly (paid) and Canva (free).

A study by Unbounce shows that, in just 2 years, searches for infographics increased by 800%

That’s because they’re easy to digest, visually attractive, and most importantly, they add a lot of value to the reader.

In fact, blog articles that include infographics generate an average of 178% more inbound links and 72% more views than all other posts according to HubSpot.

71. Promote Content By Embracing Seasonal Marketing

If you haven’t heard of seasonal marketing, now’s the perfect time to learn. 

The concept involves using the seasons to kickstart your content promotions and other marketing.



For instance, during Christmas time, consider offering a giveaway or contest, since this is the time of year people really need freebies (all that holiday spending adds up).

72. Promote Content By Starting a Referral Network

A referral network is a group of like-minded individuals who work to refer one another. 

So if you have your own client base and you have 5 or other members of a referral network, you gain access to their 5 respective client bases. 

Simple, right?

The goal is to earn everyone more clients.

73. Promote Content By Using Commenter Pre-Outreach

Blogger and content marketer Cody Lister maintains that commenter pre-outreach is more effective than sharer pre-outreach. 

It’s basically where you reach out to people who have commented on an article similar to yours, and tell them about your article before you publish it.

Then, when you finally do publish it, send them the link to your post. 

74. Promote Content By Letting Users Create Video Reviews

Sometimes, you don’t even need to promote your content yourself. 

The Content Marketing Institute mentions UGC again and this time in the form of video reviews.

Video reviews offer a unique way of promoting your content because your audience gets to hear how great your brand is from someone other than you.

Email Marketing

75. Promote Content By Using Email Plugins for More Shares

WordPress plugins like Email This Page and WP-EMail allow your audience to email your content to their friends, family, coworkers and more. 

Talk about saving time and effort!

76. Promote Content By Making an Email Campaign Archive

According to MailChimp, an email campaign archive may lead to better SEO and more traffic. 

This archive lets your audience browse through your prior email marketing campaigns.

So if you’re interested in making your own archive, the above link from MailChimp tells you everything you need to know.

77. Promote Content By Sending Roundup Emails of Your Best Posts

According to CoSchedule, a roundup email should include your best weekly posts. These should be listed by number, with a short blurb about each.

78. Promote Content By Sending a Follow-up Email to Your Unopens

Not getting the kind of email open rate you were hoping for? 

Try a follow-up email.

Here’s a template from Envato Tuts+ you can use:

Subject: Are You Going to the February Web Design Group Meeting?

Dear Member,

We haven’t yet received your RSVP for our next Web Design Group dinner meeting and the deadline is drawing near. If you’re coming, send your meal preference to: [email protected]. We must know who’s coming before February 15th.

In case you missed our last email, this month’s meeting will be held on February 22nd from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the City Auditorium, 9876 Any Road, AnyTown.

Our topic this month is The Future of Web Design. Our speaker will be Jane Jones, CEO of Anytown Consulting.

I hope to see you there.


Ashton Chang


Web Design Group

And as a matter of fact, follow-up email sequences are one of the productized services we’re offering in our Marketplace.


79. Promote Content By Adding It to Your Email Signature

Create a hyperlink to your best or newest content and slip this into your email signature. 


This way, anyone you email can see and potentially share your articles or contact you. 

80. Promote Content By Writing Email Subject Lines Readers Can’t Resist

Andy Crestodina at SmartBlogger says a good email subject line can “align with cultural trends or leave a curiosity gap.” 


He recommends creating an element of surprise with your headline if possible.

I’ve even listed 47 clickable email subject lines your subscribers can’t resist.

81. Promote Content By Sending a Newsletter to Your Email List

Send an email newsletter to your existing list of subscribers. 

Research by HubSpot shows that 46% of people prefer looking at the content of the brands they like in the form of newsletters.



For sending a newsletter, what you’ll do is very simple. 

Once your blog post or article is ready, create an email draft and choose the design you like. 

For instance, we at AutoGrow use ActiveCampaign as our email automation platform and send out a very simple email design.

Repurposing Content

82. Promote Content By Making Videos from Your Popular Blog Posts

Ericsson estimates video and mobile data traffic will increase to 80% in 2028.

Get in on the trend now by making videos from your top-performing blog posts.

It’s what I always do for each article I promote.

See how this blog post has its video promoting it on YouTube?


83. Promote Content By Making an Explainer or How-To Video

I’ve mentioned in the past that how-to blog posts are easy to write and the perceived value is always high.

SEMrush’s data shows that this type of blog post gets 2x more social shares than other types.

And according to Neil Patel, they’ve had a 31% growth of social share.



For instance, tutorials and how-to articles are the simplest type of blog post you can create for your audience.


You can even take any previous how-to article and turn it into a video if you want.

84. Promote Content By Taking an Old Blog Post and Make it a Slideshow

Neil Patel recommends taking an old blog post and repurposing it as a slideshow. 

You can then share your slideshow on SlideShare (as mentioned above).


85. Promote Content By Starting a Marketing Podcast from Your Blog Posts

Expand on popular blog posts with a marketing podcast. 

Nathan Ellering at marketing resource Campaign Monitor did that. 

He managed to earn nearly 25,518 downloads to his podcast in less than 6 months.

He goes into detail about all elements needed for a successful podcast in the link above.

86. Promote Content By Turning Videos into Podcasts

Audio content is a popular medium, says David Kirkpatrick at Marketing Dive.

We just suggested making your blog posts into podcast content. 

But don’t stop there. 

Take your most popular videos and add these to your podcast discussions as well.

Crafting Content For Promotion

87. Promote Content By Rewriting Your Old Headlines

A great headline will get more eyes on your content. 

To retool your headlines, come up with a few variants for the same article. 

This is something I cover in depth in my 6-Figure Sales Funnel Training.


Then, A/B test both headlines to determine which one performs best. 

And when you find the winner, go back and rework your old content with the new headline.

88. Promote Content By Getting Your Content Syndicated

Content syndication is a lot like the referral networks above. 

If you make the right connections, you could get your content seen on major websites.

89. Promote Content By Asking for Shares

Sometimes the most obvious methods are some of the most effective.

Want shares? 

Ask for them! 

Just as you ask clients for testimonials, do the same here.

Tim Soulos at CoSchedule recommends this tactic, especially among those in your audience who are avid blog readers (which for him was 16% of his audience).

90. Promote Content By Guest Posting

Guest posting introduces your content to a whole new audience who may not (yet) be aware you exist. 

Here at AutoGrow, I’ve done guest posts for Crazyegg, Leadpages, Growth Hackers, and more. 

One of the highest converting articles he wrote was “7 Laws of Sales Funnel Physics Every SaaS Business Needs to Know” for KissMetrics.com. 


This guest post skyrocketed AutoGrow’s traffic and made the article earn some powerful comments too.


And these posts led to more referral traffic for AutoGrow.


91. Promote Content By Including Numbers in Your Headlines for More Shares

For getting 2x shares, RazorSocial recommends including numbers in your headline. 

You can go with the standard top-5 list or even do a more unconventional numbered list, like this one!

It’s what we always do in our articles.


92. Promote Content By Creating an Experts Roundup

Experts roundup posts are part of our monthly editorial calendar at AutoGrow. 

We’ve published some of these so far.

Here’s one on sales funnel tools and this one on content creation hacks.



93. Promote Content By Following the Skyscraper Technique

Here’s another technique we use all the time at AutoGrow. 

The skyscraper blog posts are typically long-form content. 

You can create an original skyscraper post or rewrite an old post and build on it.

The tactic here is to find people linking and sharing to similar content through a tool like BuzzSumo

From there, ask them to link to/share your skyscraper post, which should be better than the content they were previously linking to.

These are 2 examples of skyscraper blog posts I have written in the past.



94. Promote Content By Making a List-Based Blog Post

At AutoGrow, we’re all about list posts. 

While we also write how-to articles, most of the content you’ll see on our blog are list posts.


As Photoshop resource PSD Learning writes, list posts are brief, bulleted and easily digestible. 

They’re also highly shareable, and perfect for driving traffic when you have a good headline.

In fact, SEMrush revealed that articles with list headlines get 2x more traffic. 



95. Promote Content By Interviewing Experts

We do this one all the time too. 

For instance, I’ve interviewed Great Black Speakers’ co-founder & CEO Lawrence Watkins in this blog post.

Interviewing experts is a great way to diversify the content you’re sharing with your audience. 

And not only that, but it lets you share information they really want to hear.

And perhaps the biggest benefit is that the expert is likely to share the interview with their audience.

96. Promote Content By Writing Your Own Product Review

Share your thoughts about a product with a review on your blog. 

Take this article I wrote as an example.


If you use the right keywords, you’re likely to drive more traffic from people actually looking for your product.

If you’ve never written a product review before, this handy template from affiliate marketer Mia Lambert should help you.

97. Promote Content By Crafting Compelling Case Studies About Your Product or Service

Compelling case studies inspire action and can increase sales by 185%

They inspire your audience to consider investing in whatever product or service was used to solve their problem, because case studies show them how it was done.

And people love hearing success stories and learning about what goes on behind the scenes. 

For instance, add a case studies page to your website, or share a case study in the form of a blog post.

In fact, according to Content Marketing Institute, 77% of U.K. marketers use case studies as a content marketing tactic.



98. Promote Content By Making “Did You Know?” Posts

There’s lots of versatility with “Did you Know?” posts. 

They’re great for promoting your product or service in an entertaining and educational way.

You can err on the personal side, sharing a bit of your personal background with your customers. 

You can also make these explainers, writing a short, informative post on a topic related to your company.

For a great example of a “did you know” post, check out the image below…


99. Promote Content By Highlighting an Important Customer or Client

Your customers and clients keep your business afloat. 

Why not give them a special mention? 

Every month or so, write about a customer or client of yours and why they’re so valuable.

See Nuera Marketing’s Client Spotlight for inspiration and formatting.


100. Promote Content By Writing Blog Posts That Answer Your Customers’ Burning Questions

Above, we mentioned social site Quora and how you should answer questions there. 

Why not answer your customers’ most burning questions on your blog posts to drive traffic as well?

Try searching Quora for questions that have a lot of answers. 

Create a blog post using the question as your blog title. 

That way, when people ask that question to Google, not only will that Quora question pop up in their search results, but your blog post will as well.  

101. Promote Content By Writing a Yearly Recap of Your Most Popular Posts

We’re in the third quarter of 2023 already. 

December is around the corner.

So look back on your best posts from this year, compile them into a list of 20 or more, hyperlink to each one and then write a short blurb about what made them so good.


Download the “101 Effective Ways to Promote Your Content in 2023” so you won’t forget to take action on it later.  Click here to download it now.

Whew, this certainly is an exhaustive list! 

Whether you need help on the social side of things, your content writing could use a boost or you’re looking for new marketing strategies, this list has it all.

To review:

  • When it comes to posting on social media, when you post is almost as important as what you post.
  • Videos and engaging images will garner more user interest than social media posts without this media.
  • Writing prompts like questions of the week, favorite quotes or even your biggest successes and failures are a great chance to connect with your audience and craft shareable content. These prompts also humanize you.

There are plenty of ways to promote content in 2023, but these 101 ways are certainly your starting and end point.

And if you're still looking for help delegating your marketing tasks (like actually writing content for your blog), you can delegate it to AutoGrow.

Now tell me something, which of these 101 content promotion ways was your favorite? Why? Any you’re really eager to try?

Let me know in the comments below.

Keep AutoGrowin’, stay focused.



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