17 Blog Post Titles Your Readers Can’t Help But Click



There are 70 million new blog posts created each month just on Wordpress. 

And over 409 million people see more than 20 billion (with a “b”) blogs each month.

And do you know what the truth behind those numbers is?

Businesses want to drive traffic to their websites.

And the best way to do so is through...

Writing better blog post titles.

You see, your blog post titles are the most important part of your content.

They’re your audience’s first impression of your business. Not to mention that around 33X more people will see your title than will click through

We learned from studying our Google search stats from recent months:


A blog post title’s real selling point comes from the unique benefit you are promising to your readers.

This is why you need a title that gets your readers as hooked and invested—with the right expectations—right away.

But how do you craft blog post titles that sound natural and not gimmicky?

How do you nail a blog post title that’s simple, straightforward, and catches your readers’ attention?

In today’s article, I’ll tell you…

  • The 17 best blog post title ideas you can immediately model to drive more traffic to your blog or website in general.
  • Easy-to-apply formulas and real-world examples to craft a catchy, non-salesy blog post title that will grow your click-thru rates.
  • Also: the reason why you should always make a specific, actionable promise using captivating adjectives to add interest and catch your target audience’s eyes.

Note: whereas last week I wrote about types of blog posts, today’s resource is focused on helping you take the next step to write an amazing title. Cool? 

All right, let’s start with the first one...

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Blog Post Title Idea #1: “How To...” (Teach Your Audience How to Do, Achieve, or Make Something)

How-to blog post titles help people achieve a specific desired outcome. 

This type of blog title gets clicked because they offer the promise of teaching your reader something.

You see, people are always searching for advice on how to do something, complete a project, achieve a goal, or build something new. 

If you know how to do what they’re searching for, a well-made how-to guide can do wonders for your blog traffic. 

However, your readers will be much more likely to click on your titles if they are crystal clear about what’s inside.

The Law of Clarity (one of the 11 Laws of Sales Funnel Physics) says that before people become interested and decide to buy your product or click on your article, they must first understand what it is you’re offering.

This law advises you to be clear—not clever in your blog post titles.

Research by Buzzsumo shows that “How” is the second top word used for starting B2B headlines...



This is because most people are constantly looking to learn how to do something. 

They strive to improve themselves and be in control of their lives. We all do actually.

That’s why we’re always typing in Google “How to do X, Y, and Z.”

Don’t believe me?

“How to get” and “How to make” were listed as 2 of the top 10 B2B headline phrases analyzed by Buzzsumo.



And as you can see in the data below, how-to blog post titles are the 4th most common type used in highly-shared articles according to CoSchedule…



And according to Neil Patel, they’ve had a 31% growth of social share.



When you stumble upon a how-to-based article that contains tips, secrets, or ways to make things easier for your readers, you’ll be doing just that: making their lives easier.

How-to blog post titles provide a value-based reason that makes your readers click on them.

Plus, they can be used in any industry.

For instance, to find a great how-to topic within your niche, just ask your audience or customer what they’re struggling with.

Then, frame that struggle into a how-to clickable blog title. 

BUT while you want to make the promised accomplishments and time frame as grand as possible, you absolutely must limit it to something you can actually deliver on.

Pro-tip: Follow this general formula to write your clickable blog post title:

How to + Action (do something) + Unique benefit

Examples of This Blog Post Title

There are a lot of benefits people want to receive by reading your blog post title. 

But many times, receiving those benefits comes with undesired expenditures. 

If you can show them how to attain a benefit without the expense, you’ll have your readers’ attention. 

Here are some examples for how-to titles you can copy...

  • Social Media Today’s “How to Use Question Research to Boost Your Social Media Engagement”


  • AutoGrow’s “How to Create Your First Email Sales Funnel in Less Than 3 Hours”


  • Verywell Fit’s “How to Eat Healthy and Avoid Fad Diets”


See how these blog post titles sound natural and not very gimmicky?

The real selling point comes from the unique benefit. 

It has to be something desirable.

Blog Post Title Idea #2: “The Ultimate, Supreme, or Any Guide” (for Beginners, Experts, or Pretty Much Anyone in Your Target Audience)

Writing guides for your audience is like the “For Dummies” collection for marketers.

A guide is a comprehensive and detailed resource with a large amount of knowledge promised.

With it, you attract your readers’ attention by offering them every ounce of know-how on a topic in one single post.

And when done right, they can make your traffic soar.

I say this because you’re looking for strategies to increase your blog traffic.

You already know the types of blog posts that help you with that. 

But those are just one piece of the larger puzzle.

Right now what you need is the perfect, non-gimmicky title for your blog post.

And that’s what this guides-based blog post example is here for.

You see, most writers tend to forget that the desired outcome promised in the blog post title must be delivered in the article.

And that’s where the Law of Alignment comes in.

This law states that people will convert more often on offers that are aligned with their needs and problems.

For instance, we write guides all the time in our blog.

We do this because they’re super useful pieces of evergreen content that readers expect to contain everything they’d need to know about a topic.

And we sure do deliver what we promise in the title.

Pro-tip: Follow this general formula to write your clickable blog post title:

[Insert Adjective (i.e.: Ultimate, Supreme, Beginner, Complete)] + Guide + to Achieving X Goal + [Optional: in X Amount of Time]

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • AutoGrows “Your Supreme Guide to Creating Lead Magnets In 9 Easy Steps”


  • AutoGrow’s “Ultimate Guide: 7 Sales Funnel Strategies Proven to Convert”



Blog Post Title Idea #3: “The Best…” (Highlight the Best Things Your Audience Could Possibly Be Searching For)

This specific blog post title idea speaks directly to the most common web searches of your customers. 

Let me explain.

If you search for ways to qualify your leads before getting on a call, wouldn’t you be curious to know which is the best way to do so?

Or would you prefer settling on whatever suggestion you find online, no matter how effective it is?

You’d prefer finding out the best way, wouldn’t you?

Me too. We all would.

That’s why “the best” blog post titles get easily clicked because your readers are always looking for improvements.

They’re looking for better ways to achieve their goals and solve their problems.

Using the “the best” in your blog post titles will also make it easier for your audience to find you organically on Google.

That’s because people are always searching for “The best way to ___.

BUT if you’re writing “the best” blog post title for your article, don’t forget to really deliver on your promise.

If you’re promising your audience a list of the best types of blog posts that get traffic or best tips to writing better headlines, then you must deliver the best of the best.

Otherwise, your readers will feel cheated and won’t come back to your blog.

Pro-tip: Follow this general formula to write your clickable blog post title:

The Best + [Subject] + to Do Something [Action] + to [Desired Outcome]

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • Entrepreneur’s “The Best Ways to Do Market Research for Your Business Plan”



  • AutoGrow’s “19 Best Lead Magnet Examples To Help You Convert Leads Like Crazy [Updated For 2020]”


Blog Post Title Idea #4: Comparative (A vs B)

This blog post title compares options.

It could be anything.

Services, ideas, products, thoughts, email automation platforms, software—anything.

This blog post title brings in traffic particularly well when it has the magic word “Vs”.

Because people are always looking to find out which option better suits their needs.

Pro-tip: Follow these general formulas to write your clickable blog post title:

[Item to Compare (A)] + Vs + [Item to Compare (B)] + [Question (i.e.: Which One Is Better?/Which One Do You Need?) + [Desired Outcome]

[Question (i.e.: Are You More Like)] + [Item to Compare] + or + [Item to Compare]?

[Why] + [Item to Compare] + Beats + [Item to Compare]

Examples of This Blog Post Title

I think this blog post title idea is pretty straightforward but for the sake of consistency, here are some examples…

  • AutoGrow’s “SamCart vs. ThriveCart Review: Which is the Better Choice?"


  • AutoGrows “Leadpages vs. ClickFunnels Review (Which is Better for Your Client Lead Gen and Why)”


Blog Post Title Idea #5: Mistakes (No Matter if They’re Made by You, by a Third Person, or by Your Reader)

Incorporating the word “mistakes” into your title and getting people to click doesn’t happen by magic.

“Mistakes” is a magical word that draws the attention of any type of reader.

And as long as you don’t manipulate your reader, this tactic can be helpful in writing effective blog post titles.

You see, the Law of Loss says that people who are loss-averse will do everything they can to avoid missing out on value or a deal. 

That’s because they seek to minimize the risk of potential loss by relying on what other people are saying.

We are programmed to be loss-averse creatures.

We think much more about losses than we think about gains.

So if you frame a blog post title in terms of a loss from your readers’ perspective, then, rather than focusing on a gain, you’ll get more clicks. 

Makes sense, right? 

In general, people are afraid of making mistakes (despite everybody making them).

However, we always try to avoid making mistakes whenever possible.

So, when your readers see a blog post title with the word “mistakes” in it, they’ll be curious to find what those mistakes are and how they can avoid them.

However, since your blog post title will target a specific niche, your audience must be interested in a certain type of mistakes posts.

And to do this, you need to answer one major question:

What do your readers care about but are uncertain of?

Your audience simply needs to care in order to click.

For instance, our readers care a lot about traffic.

That’s why I wrote this article and why you’re reading it.

See how it works?

Pro-tip: Follow this general formula to write your clickable blog post title:

[Number] + of Mistakes + [Common Action]

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • AutoGrow’s “Don’t Let These 5 Giant Marketing Mistakes Ruin Your 2020’




Blog Post Title Idea #6: “Statistic-Based / Data-Driven” (Give People Credible Stats to Build Trust)

Including statistics in your blog post title is a clever way to attract more clicks.


Because as much as people like numbers, they love knowing the data behind a specific topic too.

No matter how interesting a topic is or how wise a saying is, people are more likely to believe in it if there’s a stat that proves and validates its credibility.

Let me show you with an example.

Aren’t you more persuaded to click on a blog post title that says 

“9 in 10 Employers Have Been Affected by a Bad Hire This Year”


“Some Employers Have Been Affected by a Bad Hire This Year”

See how the stat “9 in 10” beat the uncertainty of the “some”?

Statistic-based blog post titles have the same effect on your readers.

So including an attention-grabbing statistic in your blog post title will make your reader click because: 

  1. You’ll be appealing to the curiosity of your readers. 
  2. And you’ll be showing them you know your stuff and that you even backed up your research with credible sources.

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • Forbes“90% Of Startups Fail: Here's What You Need To Know About The 10%”


  • Incs “Report: 75% of Venture-backed Start-ups Fail”


  • CBS“70% of Americans say they are struggling financially”


Blog Post Title Idea #7: “Listicles” (List Posts)

List-based blog post titles provide a useful list of things your readers can do or learn from. 

They start with a key component that we mentioned in blog post title type #4: numbers.

In fact, research by Conductor shows that blog titles with numbers in it are readers’ favorites (by 36%).



And actually, women were even more predisposed to blog titles that contained numbers according to the same source.



List-based blog post titles make a specific promise and the reader knows what to expect when reading the full article.

They’re perfectly designed for our brains because they tap into how we prefer to receive and process information.

This blog post title gives your reader a clear number of items they’ll be reading from your article.

Numbers are powerful attention-getters. 

But only if they’re written as numerals instead of words. 

This is because our brains take longer to visually process words like “twenty one” or “fifteen” than 21 and 15.

According to Buzzsumo, these are the most engaging numbers used in headlines...



It could literally be a list of anything.

A list of:

  • Mistakes to avoid
  • Ways to do something
  • Tools to try
  • Sites to visit
  • Tips to follow
  • Examples to copy
  • Steps to follow
  • Strategies to execute

For instance, data from Backlinko shows that list-based posts are heavily shared on social media. And they get an average of 218% more shares than “how-to” posts.



Lists are easier to read because they let readers skip around and find the items they care about without having to read the whole article. 

In fact, 73% of people skim blog posts while 27% consume them thoroughly according to HubSpot.

And not to mention that long lists automatically make people value the content higher.

Don’t you get a sense of more value from a blog title that says…

“41 Email List Building Strategies Proven to Get You Results”



“3 Email List Building Strategies Proven to Get You Results”?

41 conveys more value because your reader automatically gets 38 more strategies than with the second title.

In fact, Neil Patel’s data shows that the higher number your list has (above 100), the better it will perform.



And there’s also more perceived value in terms of the work and time put into writing a longer list of strategies.

As you can see in the data below, listicles are the most common type used in highly-shared titles...



Not to mention that it is the top blog title type with higher social sharing according to Backlinko.



Examples of This Blog Post Title

Here are some catchy blog post title examples for list-based posts:

  • Buffer’s “The Ultimate List of 95 Blogpost Ideas for Creating Craveable Content to Share on Social”



Blog Post Title Idea #8: “Question-Based” (Pique Your Readers’ Curiosity & Entice Them to Answer Your Question)

Blog post titles that pose a question are great attention grabbers.


Because (as long as the audience doesn’t already know the answer) if it’s a topic your readers are interested in, it will pique their curiosity.

This happens because our brains are programmed to be curious.

Your audience will want to know the answer to the question you ask them. 

They’ll want to know if the short answer is yes or no. And for that, they’ll have to read the full article.

In fact, titles that contain a question mark get 23.3% more social shares than the ones that aren’t questions according to Backlinko.



Of course, when writing this blog post title, make sure your content really provides the answer to the question (Law of Alignment).

For instance, the best question blog post titles are the ones that speak to your target reader directly.

Don’t just ask them...

“What is the best way to fall asleep?

Ask them instead...

“Do you know the best way to fall asleep? Here’s a data-driven answer”

This way, you’re kind of forcing your readers to seek out the answer in your article.

This is because it touches the “curiosity gap.” 

This refers to the gap between what your readers already know and what they want to know. 

And your blog post title teases the reader to find out what this gap is.

The best way to do this is with a title that has a statement with a bit of (incomplete) information regarding something your reader is interested in without giving everything away.

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • AutoGrow’s “How Does Content Quantity Increase Your Traffic? A Data-Driven Answer”


  • AutoGrows “What Is the Advantage of a Segmented Email List? (Hint: 300% More Clicks)”


Blog Post Title Idea #9: “Reasons” (Any Given Number of Reasons to Do Something or to Not to Do Something)

There’s power behind the words “reasons why.” 

Mainly because they pique your readers’ curiosity.

When they read a blog title like…

5 Reasons Why Chatbots May Be Better Than Email… And 4 Reasons Why They Definitely Aren’t”


...it simply teases them to find out what the heck are those overlooked reasons they don’t know about.

Just think for a second about your own experience as a business owner, agency, or freelancer. 

When you come across a blog post title that reminds you of your daily struggles and tells you there are any given reasons why you’re not growing, succeeding, or making more money in general, can you resist checking it out?

I can’t. 

I’m always intrigued

I want to always know the reasons why a desired outcome is not coming out as expected. 

And like a moth to the flame, your readers are attracted to finding out those reasons as well.

According to Buzzsumo, “X Reasons Why” is the top phrase used at the beginning of a headline.



This validates the fact that there are powerful reasons why you should be writing blog post titles with those same words.

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • BigCommerce’s “7 Reasons Why Shoppers Aren't Converting on Your Website (And What You Can Do About It)”


  • Inc’s “3 Reasons Why Focusing on a Specific Niche Can Help Your Business”


Blog Post Title Idea #10: “X Ways to Do Y” (& Achieve Z)

As I’ve mentioned in the types of blog post titles above, your readers (including you because you’re reading this article) are always looking to learn.

Learn more about why you’re stuck. Learn more about what you can achieve after being stuck. And learn more about ways to stop being stuck.

So, help your readers accomplish something or solve a problem by providing them with valuable information.

But instead of giving them information that shows them one specific way to solve a problem, show them many different ways they can do so.

Because people love being given choices.

The Law of Range says that audiences respond to having the freedom to choose between a variety of options.

And who doesn’t?

We all like knowing different options of possible solutions, tactics, and strategies to follow to achieve a goal.

Because what happens if the only one option given doesn’t work out?

That’s why your audience is eager to know X ways to do Y and achieve Z. 

This blog post title combines several useful strategies.

It uses a number (to suggest a listicle approach), it promises more than one way to solve a common problem, and it adds specificity to narrow the target audience.

As you can see in the data below from Buzzsumo, B2B headlines that contain “X Ways” are the second most common phrases used in highly-shared headlines…



Pro-tip: Follow this general formula to write your clickable blog post title:

[Number] + Ways to + [Desired Outcome] And [Insert Promise]

Examples of This Blog Post Title


  • Buzzfeed’s “11 Ways To Build Muscle And Lose Fat Faster”


  • AutoGrow’s “101 Effective Ways to Promote Your Content in 2020”


Blog Post Title Idea #11: Negative Superlatives (Negativity Beats Positivity)

This blog post title appeals to the fear of loss

Negative blog post titles work because people hate to lose something. 

They’re more focused on what they could lose rather than what they could gain.

According to CXL, negative superlatives in blog titles perform 30% better ones with no superlatives and more than 60% higher than positive ones.



A great example of the fear of loss is the stock market. 

I’ve been into it lately. 

And I’ve seen how logic and rationality tell us that we should buy low and sell high. 

Pretty obvious.

BUT when stocks go down, most people desperately sell them to not lose any money rather than staying in the market to wait for the opportunity to earn more eventually.

That’s why blog post titles that appeal to the fear or loss get clicked.

Here’s a quick example from Psychology from Marketers of how framing a situation as either a gain or a loss impacts your decision making...



To leverage on this fear of loss, appeal to it so your audience can feel driven to click on your blog post title.

Mention what your reader would lose rather than what they would gain.

Simple, right?

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • The Balance’s “Here’s How Much Money You Lose by Not Investing”


Blog Post Title Idea #12: “Promise-Based” (Overdeliver & Don’t Overpromise)

I’ll explain this one with an example.

“Make $1,000,000 Dollars in One Day.”

While basing your blog post title on a promise is a great tactic, overpromising might mean zero clicks.


Because you gotta be realistic with your promise.

Making one million dollars in 24 hours? Seriously?

Your audience knows when you’re lying and when you’re trying too hard to catch their attention.

That’s why a truly great promise-based title won’t overpromise and will overdeliver instead.

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • Fitday’s “Lose 15 Pounds in One Month: Free Sample Exercise Plan”


  • Venngage’s “Increase Blog Traffic And Boost Engagement With These 37 Proven Methods”


  • Jacob Millen’s “How To Become A Copywriter & Earn Six Figures+ In 2020”


Blog Post Title Idea #13: Speed & Low Skilled-Promised Results (Easy, Simple, & Fast)

Sometimes people don’t want to know the best way to do X in order to achieve Y.

They simply want to know the easiest or fastest way to accomplish something.

In fact, that’s something we often see in clients of our service.

They sometimes don’t want the conventional way to for example launch a funnel (copywriting, editing, design, QA, test launch, and launch). They just want to launch fast.

So we try our best to deliver based on what the client wants, which in that case is speed.

For instance, your readers may be needing to get done something yesterday. And that requires reading an article that helps them achieve X in a record time.

Also, they might be beginners and could be trying to find the simplest or easiest way to do something (not the best way).

The benefit of delivering fast-to-apply content is that your audience will end up getting a lot of value from your article, apply the knowledge, and see the results much faster.

Pro-tip: Follow this general formula to write your clickable blog post title:

[Number] + [Adjective Appealing to Speed] + Ways to +  [Desired Outcome] +  And [Insert Promise]

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • SFGate’s Quickest Way to Paint a Wall”


  • Rype’s “5 Easiest Ways to Learn Spanish When You’re Working a Full-Time Job”


  • HubSpot’s “9 Easy Ways to Get Busy People to Respond to Emails”


Blog Post Title Idea #14: “Hypothetical Situations” That Apply to Your Readers’ Reality

I wrote an article last week about 5 Keys to (Hypothetically) Achieving a 100% Conversion Rate.”

As the blog post title itself implies, it’s based on a hypothetical situation: how to hypothetically achieve X.

Although it’s based on a situation that isn’t (theoretically) real, it still adds a lot of value to the reader.


Because it still applies to your readers’ reality.

Your audience wants to be more productive, more efficient, and want to upgrade their knowledge.

And that desire is what makes the hypothetical blog post title so persuasive.

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • Autogrow’s “5 Keys to (Hypothetically) Achieving a 100% Conversion Rate”


  • HubSpot’s “If You Had to Define SEO in Under 100 Words, What Would You Say?”


Blog Post Title Idea #15: “Experience-Based” — Lessons Learned, Advice, & Tips

We all learn by trial and error.

This means our own experience is our best teacher.

And when it comes to sharing your wisdom, your audience will find it valuable to learn through the lessons you learned or mistakes you made in a specific situation.

That’s why entrepreneurs and business owners learn from other people’s success.

This blog post title for example appeals to emotion.

Because you’re telling your audience how to solve a pain point or problem and deliver the promise on how to do so based on someone else’s experience.

That’s also why telling an immersive story and narrative transportation theory are such a persuasive copywriting technique.

Pro-tip: Follow this general formula to write your clickable blog post title:

[Number] Lessons [Subject] Learned When/from [Experience]

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • AutoGrow’s “7 Lessons I Learned from Growing to 20,000 Visits/Month with Content Marketing”


  • Entrepreneur’s “What I Learned From Being a Broke, Unemployed Graduate”


  • HubSpot’s “Want More Success Using Instagram? Experts Share Their Best Tips for Businesses [Live Hangout]”


Blog Post Title Idea #16: “Social Proof” (Testimonials, Vanity Stats, Case Studies, Ratings, & More)

Blog post titles that contain social proof will allways catch your reader’s eyeteases the reader to read more.


Because social proof is content that builds trust by showing your brand as popular or credible.

And through your blog titles, you show your audience that other people have bought your stuff, have tried your techniques, or have gotten X results with your strategies.

Social proof in the form of testimonials, case studies, ratings, or anything in between entices your audience to click because it is the fastest way to calm customer fears and build trust with potential customers and clients.

When I wrote the Proven Sales Conversion Pack, I found tons and tons of proof that social proof was a major tipping point for consumers on the cliff’s edge of buying.


You see, when your customer is at that point, on that cliff’s edge, they look down, and all they want to know is “Should I take this leap?”

And social proof is a reminder saying…

“Hey, look at all us people down there in the canyon who took the leap! We’re happy, we landed safe and sound! And oh yeah, you have a parachute.”

And the same thing happens with your blog posts. People are waiting to be enticed to click.

Pro-tip: Follow this general formula to write your clickable blog post title:

The [Subject] + [Social Proof] Use To [Desired Outcome or Goal]

That formula translates into this example:

The Digital Marketing Tool Over 700 Clients Use to Delegate Their Marketing Without the Headaches of Hiring

See how simple it is?

And by the way, just a hint: it’s AutoGrow!

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • Neil Patel’s “60,000 Visitors and Counting: How to Double Your Traffic With Infographics”


  • HubSpot’s “‘They Said Email Was Dying’: How BuzzFeed Revived the Email Newsletter”


Blog Post Title Idea #17: Results That Show an Action Can Trigger a Result

A specific action (it could be involuntary) can cause a reaction.

Everything we do has a consequence.

If you go to sleep late and wake up early, you’ll be tired.

If you punch the wall, your fist will hurt.

If you model the blog post title ideas from this article, you’ll see an increase in your traffic.

That’s why this specific blog title idea speaks directly to people who want to know how a specific action can lead to a specific consequence or result.

For instance, with this blog title, you can tell your audience how doing or not doing something can lead to X and Y results.

Even if those results aren’t favorable, people will want to know about them.

Pro-tip: Follow this general formula to write your clickable blog post title:

How + [A Seemingly Inconsequential Action] + Can Lead to + [Desirable or Undesirable Result]

Examples of This Blog Post Title

  • HubSpot’s “How a Simple Email Can Give You Critical Insight Into Your Recipients' Behavior”


  • Neil Patel’s “How I Generate 18,800 Visitors from Google Without SEO or Ads”



Download the “17 Blog Post Titles Our Brains Are Hard-Wired to Click ️” so you won’t forget to take action on it later. Click here to download it now.

To get traffic to your blog, your blog posts need a strong, compelling, and irresistible title.

They must sound natural and not very gimmicky.

They must make a specific, actionable promise by using catchy adjectives that help add interest.

And of course, their real selling point comes from the unique benefit. 

It has to be something desirable.

Your blog post titles are the most important part of your content when it comes to getting traffic and social shares.

But creating a great title isn’t easy, it takes a lot of practice and knowledge.

I go into much more detail about it in my 6-Figure Sales Funnel Training


This course helps you craft not only the perfect blog post title but how to promote your articles and content in general.

In this article, I showed you 17 different blog posts titles ideas with examples that you can immediately start implementing.

If you start using them as soon as possible, you’ll get more traffic right away and will continue to improve as you use the tactics over time.

Now tell me something, do you have any questions about what makes a great blog title? 

Did I leave any other example out?

Let me know in the comments below.

Keep AutoGrowin’, stay focused.



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