How to Choose Your Info Product—11 Info Product Types to Sell



“Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Wise lesson for all business owners like you getting started with their businesses…

You see, to teach your prospects how to fish and solve any problems they’re dealing with, all you have to do is introduce them to your info products.

Because your info products will help your prospects and customers to learn how to fish and stay fed for a lifetime.

Simple analogy, right?

But before actually offering your info products to your audience, you need to first choose which type of info product to sell. The one that’s actually right for your prospective customers and clients..

And that’s where this article comes in…

In today’s resource, you’ll learn:

Ready to start teaching your audience how to fish? The first thing you need to do is choose your type of info product and ask yourself...

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Why Should You Sell Info Products in 2022?

Short answer is because people will buy them even before you create them.

Wait, how does that work?

It works like this…

Before creating your info product, you can actually pre-sell your info product idea.

Then, you just see how many people are interested in it. And then after you’ve seen the validation of the market, that’s when you’ll go ahead and create it and launch it.

I’ve actually done that myself here at AutoGrow.

I’ve pre-sold to my audience an info product idea.

And once I put it out there, I was like, “wow, someone really bought this? I don’t even know what I’m selling!”

Then I got more orders and we kind of followed the market from there to create the actual info product.

And that’s part of how I have done research here at AutoGrow—by using our survey funnel and reviewing data from the survey form.

That was a big help when pre-selling my info product idea.

I took a look at who was opting in to our email list, how they self-segment themselves (SaaS businesses, consultants, agency owners, eCommerce stores, etc.), and what they reported are their biggest problems.

And that’s when I took all that data and created the info product.

Finally, I put it through the key stages of an info products’ sales cycle and started selling it.

Because there’s usually a point in any successful info product launch when you come up with a new product idea.

Sounds dumb but it’s a key part of the process...

At that moment, you almost feel like the market is pulling it out of you.

And BOOM—that’s exactly the moment where you make sure there’s a strong desire in your audience for whatever it is you’re planning to create and sell.

So as long as you create an info product that you’re sure your audience needs, then you could even sell it before creating it.

Here’s a very detailed chart with information about why you should create your info products…



And now that you know why you should sell your info products, we’ll soon be seeing what types of info products to sell in 2022 that will best suit your audience’s needs...

But First… 5 Key Questions to Answer Before Choosing Your Type of Info Product

Before we continue, there are some important questions you need to think about before choosing your type of info product to sell.

Since you’ll create it from scratch and make sure people love it, you need to make sure everything’s properly planned first.

That being said, let’s quickly go through those key questions so you can start giving them some thought...

1. How Much Time Are You Willing to Invest in Creating Your Info Product?

The time you can put into your info product will determine the type of info product that you’ll end up creating.

Because there are some type of info products to sell that require much more time in their production phase.

For example, a checklist can be less time-consuming than putting together training videos.

So be sure to consider how much time you can put into your info product creation.

And remember, that time is an investment. Not just “spent time.”

2. How Involved Do You Want to Be in the Creation of Your Info Product?

Will you be delegating the creation of your info product? Or will you take full ownership?

If you’re reading this article, you’ll probably be creating it from scratch. But since there are plenty of benefits of outsourcing—maybe you’ll ask an expert like AutoGrow for help.

So think about whether you want your product to be a standalone success or if you’re okay with continually putting your time and effort into helping your customers get value out of it.

Because while an online course may require you to actively check in with participants, a video series is probably more of a passive source of income.

3. How Much Money Are You Aiming to Make After Selling It?

The time you invest in your info product should be correlated to the value of it and how much you can charge for it.

Because normally, the more time and effort you put into it, the more value you'll be adding to the product, and you could charge more for it.

That being said, this only applies to products in markets that are well-researched and built for an audience that actually needs it.

4. What Can Your Target Audience Afford?

Your audience’s affordability will help determine your info product’s pricing. Because obviously you need price anchoring for any of your products…

So if for example, your target audience is students or people who had recently graduated from college, then they’d probably have a limited budget. Therefore, they won’t be able to buy an expensive product.

But if your target audience is mid-career professionals, then they might be able to afford a more premium service like high-ticket products.

5. What’s Your Level of Expertise?

This is an important question to ask yourself.

How much experience or knowledge do you have so you can actually create your info product?

Remember, any types of info products to sell must convey value to your audience.

And that’s exactly why I’m asking you what’s your level of expertise.

Because if you’re a newbie or don’t have a lot of experience in a specific topic, then it’ll be better to go after an easier type of info product like a template, checklist, or worksheet.

But the downside to creating a simpler info product is that you won’t be able to charge a lot, but you won’t ruin your reputation either.

How come?

Because if you sell something that’s not good, people will notice it and they’ll be angry that they spent money on something that doesn’t really offer much value.

And after that bad experience, they’ll go and tell others about it.

In a survey from PowerReviews, it was found that more than 99.99% of consumers read reviews before making  online purchases.

Alright. Now that you’ve answered these important questions you’ve asked yourself (anyone else like talking to themselves?), let’s find out how to...

Determine Your Price Point

Your price point will depend on mainly 2 things.

First, the amount of time and effort you put into creating your info product.

And second, (to an even greater degree) how much your audience can afford to pay for it.

Simple, right?

As I mentioned above, your level of expertise will help determine how much value you can add to your audience. And the amount of effort you put into it should also correspond with the value of your info product.

It all comes down to creating a high-value product with high effort.



That being said, you need to understand your audience better to know what they can afford before determining your pricing.

Because you could spend 10 weeks putting together a 10-hour online course, but if your audience can’t afford it, guess what?...

It won’t sell.

And all your time, energy, and effort will be money down the drain.

So with just a little bit of research, you’ll be able to find out what your audience is needing, wanting, and how much they can pay for that.

Because remember, data, research, and stats matter. They matter a lot.

It’s why agency owners look into agency statistics for 2022 to know how to get more clients for their agency.

And it’s why eCommerce stores look into holiday shopping statistics and trends so they can strategically adjust their sales and marketing strategies around the holidays.

So when determining your price point, do some research and see what your competition is doing.

Because if they’re already selling a $199 webinar and private group combo, it’ll be unlikely that your audience will invest in a $499 online course with you.

So start small and work up to a higher price as they gain trust in you (AND as you gain confidence in yourself and your understanding of who your audience is).

And wanna know one of my favorite ways to start small and move up to a higher price?

It is by offering a “pre-sale”.

Pre-selling your info products lets you offer your product at a significantly lower price point without devaluing it.

And by allowing your audience to come in at a “special rate” prior to selling to the general public, they get a price they can afford.

And you can say, “Hey, this product is actually worth XX dollars, so you’re getting a really special deal!”

Everything understood so far?

Cool, let’s jump right into the main types of info products to sell in 2022.

#1 Type of Info Product to Sell In 2022: Online Training Courses

My favorite one!

I love to see our audience getting so much value out of our own online training.

It’s such an easy way to learn and get educated on a topic.

You don’t need to go through long, tedious physical papers. It’s all right on your computer.

And people love that.

If you’ve taken a course online once, then you understand how digital learning works.

So if you’re considering creating an online course as your info product, it will require a significant level of expertise on the subject, low cost, a significant time investment, and it will give you a high profit.



And if you don’t know how to create it or how to sell your online courses, we can talk about it more later.

Right now let's focus on the idea, and then, we can focus more on the execution.

Online courses and training usually include multiple modules and offer an in-depth review of your given subject.

At AutoGrow, for example, we offer our 6-Figure Sales Funnel online training where I teach our audience how to create a 6-figure client lead generation funnel in 3 weeks without risking $1 on ads.


But there are plenty of other examples of online training you can create for your online training courses.

All you have to do is choose your topic and create the training.

And if you don’t know how to create and sell your info products, here’s an online sales funnel you can find some inspiration from.


Right now, online courses are selling like hot cakes.

In fact, we actually grew a client’s revenue to $1,100+ per day for an untested info product.

We did this in less than 7 days of marketing an online class that didn’t even exist (and with limited social proof for that reason).


So if you’re skeptical about the power of online courses, check out the numbers above from our case study.

#2 Type of Info Product to Sell In 2022: eBooks

eBooks are a digital book available online and a great lead magnet example.

According to HubSpot, eBooks are the most popular form of lead magnet and 27.7% of marketers use them today.

Depending on the length—which according to HubSpot the average is between 5k and 10k words—writing an eBook can be a bit time-consuming.

Tell me about it!

Back in 2018 I wrote my very own eBook "Productize &amp RELAX".


It took me a while to put it together. But once I started selling it, it was flying off the digital shelves faster than I ever expected.

Because if you know your topic, it shouldn’t be too difficult to write it and sell it.

In the case of my eBook, I teach other entrepreneurs and business owners like you how to transition your business model from “roller coaster” and exhaustion to a scalable productized business with predictable sales.

So whatever topic you have in mind, just type it out as a conventional book you would read at home—but with the slight difference that its format will be online.

Ok, let’s move on to the next type of info product to sell…

#3 Type of Info Product to Sell In 2022: Webinars

Webinars are live or pre-recorded videos that usually last for 1 to 2 hours and that you can host anytime with minimal resources.

According to HubSpot, 24.9% of marketers are using webinars.

In fact, adding automated webinars to your sales funnel (typically later in the funnel) is a good way to add an additional revenue stream, but you can achieve significantly better results with a live webinar.

The topic could be anything—depending on your level of expertise.

Webinars tend to convert really well because today’s audience tends to favor visual products over written ones.

Now, webinars in the traditional sense are more often offered as free events in exchange for your email and your attention.

We actually offer clients a free demo webinar where they can learn more about our service, our pricing, and about the problem we solve for them.


If you don’t know how to create demo videos or webinars, they’re very simple to make.

However, selling them as a live training product is not uncommon.

One big plus: you can record a webinar and continue to sell it after the fact, though it might negatively impact conversions.

#4 Type of Info Product to Sell In 2022: Facebook Groups or Private Communities

Facebook groups are actually one of the best lead generation tactics for coaches.

And it’s something you should be doing too.


Because Facebook groups and private communities are a source of potential customers.

Prospects want to join a community or pay for a membership that can provide them with useful tips, information, and solutions to any problem they may have.

And when you offer them an all-in-one “place” or “space” with the valuable resources they’ve been waiting for, then they’ll take their wallets out of their pockets and actually pay to be there.

There are sites like Slack or Facebook that with a private URL and a password can offer an easy way to share ongoing tips and information with their participants.


You may not make a lot of money off of groups immediately, but they go a long way towards building trust in your brand.

So, if you don’t know how to grow a Facebook group, that can be a topic for another day. For now, the important thing is for you to know if this is a monster type of info product to sell in 2022.

But here’s the thing.

When you commit to creating this type of info product, you must know that it will require ongoing participation from you.

But they also tend to be one of the cheaper types of info products to sell.

So that’s something else to consider.

#5 Type of Info Product to Sell In 2022: Workbooks

Workbooks are usually one of the easiest types of info products to create and sell.

They are a structured form with questions and exercises for the person to fill out.

Workbooks are great for different audiences.

For example, if you’re a real estate coach, you could create a workbook about “Creating a Budget to Get Out of Debt Before Buying a House.”

Or if you’re a health coach, you could create a “Designing a Healthy Eating Plan to Lose Weight” workbook.

The topic can be literally anything.

And if you decide on creating a workbook as your type of info product, you could even sell it as a stand-alone product or add it on as an upsell with another info product.

#6 Type of Info Product to Sell In 2022: Case Study

Offering your audience exclusive access to a compelling case study is a great way to gain their trust.

In fact, using case studies can increase sales by 185%. And according to eMarketer, 62.6% of people surveyed say that they’re effective in generating leads.



With your case study, you also want to ask for more information from the prospect, (email address and phone number) because someone interested in a case study is interested in your service.

This type of info product to sell is simply a good offer if you’re in an industry where viewers are interested in how to accomplish something step by step.

Need help building case studies and whitepapers so you can establish your brand as a source of authority? is the place to start by letting you delegate your marketing projects without the typical headaches of hiring. Start Your Trial Today.

#7 Type of Info Product to Sell In 2022: Checklists

In our experience, checklists convert the best quality leads out of all the lead magnet types and make great info products.

This is because they are easy to create and consume, and are low-commitment.

They eliminate guesswork and prospects get their value right away.

They’re high-converting because checklists can work across any business industry. They put together everything that your site’s visitor needs to know into one, actionable list.

Another reason why you should create a checklist and offer it to your audience is that you can literally turn anything into a checklist.

Have a training course?… Split the modules or lessons into several numbered steps.

Have an article in your blog post with the highest traffic?… Simplify it into a series of bullet points with checkboxes.

Have a compelling eBook that you haven’t yet published?… Turn it into a solid checklist.

Checklists are easy to create no matter what marketing gurus tell you.

Another thing that makes checklists so effective is that they’re often offered as content upgrades.

As you already know, the more email opt-ins you collect, the more opportunities you have to build a strong relationship with your audience.

Content upgrades for checklists grow your email list by giving readers a free bonus download that’s directly related to the article they’re reading. The checklist is an “upgrade” because it’s a value-add to consuming the article.

Another really cool thing about checklists and why they convert so well is that they can be used in all types of businesses.

You’re in the food industry?… Go with a checklist.

You’re in the fashion industry?… Go with a checklist.

You’re in the photography industry?… Go with a checklist.

You’re a SaaS business?… Go with a checklist.

You’re a startup getting off the ground?… Go with a checklist.

They can go from something simple like how to plan your next vacation with your family, or how to create the perfect Thanksgiving dinner, to how to prepare for take-off at an airport if you’re a pilot.

Think for a second how many car accidents happen every day vs. how many flight accidents happen every year.

The secret? A checklist!

Airplane pilots follow detailed checklists while taxi and car drivers don’t.

And a pre-flight checklist isn’t any different than what you can offer to your prospects.

Obviously the content changes depending on each business, but the essence doesn’t. So offering checklists to your prospects is the easiest way to help them successfully follow guidelines, accomplish a goal they’re after, and give them unmistakable value.

#8 Type of Info Product to Sell In 2022: Swipe File

This type of info product works because:

  • Your audience likes examples that act as templates—this is something you know they already want (and find value in).
  • It contains specific numbers—a title that says “101 examples” is specific and clear, and it’s a substantial amount of information. And if you add some sort of social proof like “1,000,000 people have already downloaded it,” that makes opting in even more compelling.

We’ve been selling our “Ultimate Swipe File for Business Sales Funnels” for a while now and it’s amazing to see how it is one of our top selling info products.


#9 Type of Info Product to Sell In 2022: Research Reports

Research from MarketingCharts found that the content types that produce leads with the highest customer conversion rates are actually research reports with 46%. That’s followed by video/motion graphics at 44%, and social media content with 42%.



Research reports give your customers the knowledge they need to spot opportunities, lower risks, and outsell your competitors.

Market research reports are the tool that allows your audience to solve business challenges quickly. Not only do they give their business credibility, but the objective information they receive gives them the confidence they need to make swift decisions.

#10 Type of Info Product to Sell In 2022: Paid Subscription Newsletter

When you create killer newsletters and send them to your audience, you don’t always have to send them for free.

You can actually send newsletters and charge for them.

There are plenty of businesses out there selling newsletters as their type of info product.

Because newsletters are much more than a way to skyrocket your number of email subscribers. They’re a way to also grow revenue and create a legacy.

Take Warren Buffet as an example.

Four decades ago, he sent out an annual newsletter early on his career as an investor. And nowadays, those newsletters are a must-read for anyone in the investment industry.

They’re so valuable that people actually pay to get access to those newsletters.

So if you’re looking for an info product type to sell, then subscription newsletters may be the best option for you.

And if you send them consistently, it can bring you a high ROI according to Smart Insights.



#11 Type of Info Product to Sell In 2022: Membership Site

Membership sites are any part of your online business that provides customers with gated content.

That gate refers to the “wall” that limits access to your content to only those who pay to be let in.

So customers who get access to a members area with exclusive content and privileges will start reaping the benefits of absorbing exclusive knowledge there.

Just imagine for a second that instead of movies and shows, Netflix actually provided training, video, podcasts, or any other valuable resource you could learn from.


Download the “11 Types of Info Products You Can Make (& Sell) in 2022” so you won’t forget to take action on it later. Click here to download it now.

Before selling your info products, you must determine first which type you’ll create.

And to choose your type of info product to sell in 2022, you need to first know what your audience needs and is willing to pay for.

Then, and only then, you can determine your price point in order to start selling your info products.

There are plenty of options to choose from—webinars, online courses, workbooks, private communities, ebooks, research reports—anything you can sell as a valuable resource to your audience will work!

But if you’re stuck wondering what type of info product to sell and how to add it to your sales funnel to start seeing customers flowing in, then all you have to do is reach out to AutoGrow.

No, seriously.

We can help you implement any creative or marketing-related idea into your sales funnel strategy. And we can also help you with your info product idea strategy—i.e. how to put it in front of the right audience.

Now tell me something, are you currently selling an info product as part of your sales funnel?

In which industry are you selling them?

Let me know in the comments below.

Keep AutoGrowin’, stay focused.



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